SAP Basis Among others, we offer the following services:

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Among others, we offer the following services:
What are the tasks of an SAP administrator?
The default permissions to open and use a launchpad are the SAP_UI2_USER_700. The role for the administration is SAP_UI2_ADMIN_700. In the administration interface, the launchpad can be customised, so this permission should only be released to a few users for administration.

Companies face a major challenge. The world is not going digital, but it is already. The age of digitisation and the related technological changes, as well as the demands of customers, bring new opportunities and new challenges for companies. In addition, the product strategy is changing, including that of SAP. In order to achieve the associated goals of the company and to implement them as effectively and efficiently as possible, the SAP basis must contribute to the design of an IT roadmap and to the design of the digitisation and also cloud strategy. A detailed review of the IT Roadmap recommendation is carried out within the master thesis in chapter 7.9.
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The tasks described above, which occur at rather irregular intervals and involve a certain degree of complexity due to the lack of routine or process know-how, should be examined in order to determine whether they can be performed more efficiently by an external service provider. One question to be answered is whether it is necessary to keep the necessary knowledge in the company in order to be able to react faster than the external service provider. For example, for business critical systems. Security aspects should also be considered, as external persons gain access to the system. From now on, outtasking performance must be regularly monitored and checked for quality and documentation. A complete dependence on the external partner must not arise.

The database layer is used to store all company data and consists of the database management system (DBMS) and the data itself. In every NetWeaver system there is a database server on which the SAP database is located. It provides all other applications with the necessary data. The data is not only data tables, but also applications, system control tables and user data. All basic components ensure that the user has fast and reliable access to this data.

"Shortcut for SAP Systems" simplifies tasks in the area of the SAP basis and complements missing functions of the standard.

SAP Basis is the foundation of any SAP system. You can find a lot of useful information about it on this page:

Now, if you have all of this available, we can start with the import: What is the procedure? Operating System Level Preparation.

The user concerned must now be entered here.
SAP Corner
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