Identity Management System: Introduction Tips
SAP Basis Administrator
Job scheduling: your system needs to run various automatic background jobs that consume resources. Your administrator must carefully schedule these tasks when user demand is low so they don't impact performance.
All topics are relevant, which may also be of interest to a customer. Ideally, you get a balanced communication structure in the communication triangle between marketing, the target group and your own employees. Internal communication is an important aspect for the SAP basis. It is primarily a matter of passing on or communicating your own services, IT products and positioning to your employees. STEP 10: PLANNING The planning provides a translation of the previously agreed definitions into concrete measures. A description of the measure shall be provided. The measures can now be scheduled and included in a cost overview. Above all, it is important to plan realistically and to consider dependencies. This step, too, is of great interest to the SAP basis and is necessary to translate the previously agreed specifications into a concrete marketing concept of the SAP basis.
Controlling users and access rights
The default permissions to open and use a launchpad are the SAP_UI2_USER_700. The role for the administration is SAP_UI2_ADMIN_700. In the administration interface, the launchpad can be customised, so this permission should only be released to a few users for administration.
Different events can be used to change to the new or changed role concept. Among other things, the introduction of new technologies can be used to establish, for example, the characteristics of the SME or technology architect. But also fluctuation or new hires are suitable for the conversion and establishment of the new roles. In principle, it is recommended that the new rollers be introduced and implemented successively parallel to the existing operating model.
With "Shortcut for SAP Systems" a tool is available that greatly facilitates some tasks in the SAP basis.
The website offers many useful information about SAP basis.
You can also select the various filters (2), activate the filters individually (3), specify clients and users (4) and specify which activities are logged (5).
The second component of the application layer is the message server.