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SAP GUI Patches / Hotfixes
As an interface to the user, the presentation layer contains software components (the SAP GUI) by means of which the user is presented with the application. During its runtime, an SAP GUI component is always permanently linked to a user logon to the NetWeaver AS ABAP.

The entry screen gives a brief overview of the status of the last queued. In case of incomplete support packages, the last (aborted) step of the SPAM will be displayed. System: Check the correct function of the transport tools using Tool Transport Tool. Make sure there is enough space (the size of the OCS files multiplied by 2) in the transport directory (see the R/3 profile parameter DIR_TRANS with the AL11 transaction or the SE38 transaction and the report RSPARAM). Make sure that there is enough space, especially in the subdirectories trans/EPS/in and trans/data. Use the latest SPAM update. Verify that the SPAM update offered in the SAPNet - R/3 frontend or the SAPNet - Web Frontend is newer than the one available in your system. You can see the version of the SPAM update available in your system in the title bar of the SPAM image. We recommend that you always run the latest SPAM update first [page 14] to avoid problems when playing. The insertion of a SPAM update is analogous to the insertion of support packages. There must be no incomplete support packages in your system. To do this, under Folder in the SPAM, select Aborted Support. Packages and select View. Support packages should not be displayed. The status light should be green. If not, view the detailed status and log information for all support packages in the system. Select Jump Status or Jump Log. Load Activities Support Package [page 15] Define Queue [page 17] Insert Queue [page 20] If necessary: Sync Modifications [Page 22] Verify Protocols [Page 23] Confirm Queue [Page 24].
/IWFND/TRACES SAP gateway traces
He has already gathered a lot of helpful information from the day-to-day business in his department: Johannes knows the RFC interfaces and the corresponding technical RFC users from his work with the applications. He also quickly got the password for various RFC users via the radio ("As long as passwords are only communicated by phone and never exchanged in writing, we are clean!"). And that the RFC users are generously entitled even in productive systems is no longer a secret ("Better to have more permissions than too little; the RFC connections have to run, otherwise there is trouble from the specialist areas!"). Since Johannes has access to the SE37 as a developer, it is not a problem to get the necessary access using the function block BAPI_USER_CHANGE - disguised as RFC User. In short, it changes the user type of a technical RFC user in a production system from to by calling the function block.

Cross-client tables can be modified. The control system of another, productive client can thus be undermined and undermined. Quite a lot of power! Did you also know that the SAP system provides a feature that deletes table change protocols (DBTA BLOG table) and that it is effective across all clients? If the table change logs have not been additionally archived via the BC_DBLOGS archiving object, traceability is no longer available. That way, every criminal act within your company can be beautifully covered up. Similarly, full access to batch management allows you to manage all background jobs in all clients with the permission. This allows you to delete old background jobs that have gone unauthorised. There are also some points to consider when managing print jobs. Typically, the following two SAP access permissions are enabled to protect print jobs: S_SPO_DEV (spooler device permissions) S_SPO_ACT (spooler actions). Why? Confidential information in print jobs is not protected against unauthorised disclosure. (Strictly) sensitive print jobs can be read unauthorised or redirected to external printers and printed out. Print jobs are unprotected unless additional SAP access permissions are enabled to protect print output. The print jobs are multi-tenant, which means that the authorisation award should also be well thought through at the point.

For administrators, a useful product - "Shortcut for SAP Systems" - is available in the SAP basis area.

SAP Basis is the foundation of any SAP system. You can find a lot of useful information about it on this page:

It checks which private key has signed, which public address the transaction should go to and whether the sender has enough "coins" for this transaction.

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