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Why does your company need an SAP Basis admin?
However, the tasks also include strategic and planning aspects. For example, administrators define requirements and standards, select and control upgrades or extensions, implement monitoring processes, and take care of necessary backups and emergency management.

SAP Basis is the foundation of every SAP system. On this page you can find out what is behind the term and what SAP Basis is responsible for in detail.
SAP Basis - operation, structure and definition
How does a blockchain build consensus? Once you decide to send a payment to someone, you must use the Private Key to "sign" it (in German: signature). This means nothing other than that you specify another public address to which you want to send the money and confirm this transaction with your own private key. You don't have a central authority to send the information to, you're going to spread the information to all the other Miners around you. The miners then forward this information to other miners, who in turn do the same. This exponential wave of information reaches the entire network of the distributed community within a few milliseconds. Every time a miner receives a transaction, it checks that the transaction is actually correct. It checks which private key has signed, which public address the transaction should go to and whether the sender has enough "coins" for this transaction. What are consensus mechanisms? Any miner that solves a transaction through complex mathematical calculations is rewarded by the sender with a "fee" (transaction fee). How will it be decided which miner will receive the transaction fee? Because only one can get this reward. Also, what happens when you try a double spending by sending one transaction to one miner and then another transaction with the same money to another one millisecond later? These two could not yet exchange and thus information would be different in the network.

PROJECT HISTORIES: THE SAP basis OF TOMORROW An entry in the Forum Infrastructure and Operations within the DSAGNet drew attention to the problem of the SAP basis as described above. This led to a lively discussion, which attracted a lot of interest from the members of the DSAM. Building on the interest and need for action of the member companies, a project was initiated by the DSAG as well as by the SAP, which should deal with the future of the SAP basis. Several companies were invited to participate and their willingness to participate actively was questioned in a DSAG survey. The first project meeting took place within the framework of the DSAG Annual Congress in Bremen in 2015. As a result, regular events took place at the SAP office in Freiberg am Neckar and St Leon-Rot, with the participation of up to 15 companies. In the project "the SAP basis of Tomorrow", current questions of the companies as well as the question of the SAP basis of the future were discussed and worked out with regard to the IT landscape, processes and organisational structure. A master's thesis was initiated to document and prepare the results as well as to examine the topic in scientific terms in parallel with the project. This was made at the University of Applied Sciences Würzburg-Schweinfurt as part of the Master's programme in Information Systems with Prof. Dr. Karl Liebschnitel and submitted for evaluation at the end of March 2016.

Some missing SAP basic functions in the standard are supplied by the PC application "Shortcut for SAP Systems".

The website offers many useful information about SAP basis.

Only then can we consider automation, outtasking, cloud, and outsourcing.

Permanent and proactive technical support in the SAP Basis area ensures a stable, secure and high-performance environment.
SAP Corner
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