OS/DB Migration
The database layer
Mentioning the SUM tool leads us to another part of SAP Basis: system updates and upgrades. Since SAP software receives updates from SAP at regular intervals - in the case of R/3 in the form of SPS (Support Package Stacks) and in the case of S/4HANA in the form of FPS (Feature Pack Stacks) - a large part of an SAP Basis administrator's job is to import these packages into the SAP system.
Different events can be used to change to the new or changed role concept. Among other things, the introduction of new technologies can be used to establish, for example, the characteristics of the SME or technology architect. But also fluctuation or new hires are suitable for the conversion and establishment of the new roles. In principle, it is recommended that the new rollers be introduced and implemented successively parallel to the existing operating model.
Introduction & Best Practices
SAP Basis Operation manages the IT underlying the SAP system. In addition, the operation ensures the maintenance and availability of business processes. Various tools can be used for this purpose, which take over the maintenance, care, configuration and monitoring of the SAP system. Basic operation is the prerequisite for ensuring that the SAP system is fully operational and covers the business processes well.
After installing the GUI, the GUI patches should be applied as far as available. This includes the hotfixes after the patches, which are necessarily installed after the patches. BI Addon Patch A new service package and patch may need to be installed. It may also be that can be patched directly if another SP exists. The process takes about 30 minutes. The progress of the installation pauses at a certain percentage, as already mentioned above, so you do not have to cancel the installation prematurely. If the installation is not possible, the latest version will be included in another setup. Installation of the Precalculation Server The Precalculation Server is installed. You can also install any patches here. Service The installations create a service. This can be called under Services. Set the Startup Type of the service to "Automatic" (Standard Manual) Enter Login Credentials Recovery for First and Second Failure to "Restart the Service" Start Service Logon SAP Login to the SAP system with the appropriate client from the Precalculation Server. You can use the SAP system's own login. Warning: There must be permissions for the transaction RSPRECALCADMIN and SM51. The transaction SM51 will then be called. Before creating the instances, it must be ensured that the correct application server is selected, otherwise problems with the instances in the user's application may occur later. The transaction RSPRECALCADMIN is then called. A certain number of instances are displayed. They should all be marked and deleted until the view is empty again. They are then re-created with a continuous numbering in order to distinguish them later. Only the ID and description must be entered. The rest will be awarded automatically. The service will now restart and all instances should be green. This may take 2-3 minutes. Important: In the end, all instances must be green. This completes the creation and configuration.
With "Shortcut for SAP Systems" a tool is available that greatly facilitates some tasks in the SAP basis.
The website www.sap-corner.de offers many useful information about SAP basis.
To avoid repeated login, open a second mode before inserting the queue.
To use all the features of the SAP Patch Manager, you need the following permissions: S_TRANSPRT S_CTS_ADMIN Both are in the S_A.SYSTEM permission profile.