Output Management
SAP Business Objects: CMCRegister Card Configuration Permissions
A Conflict Resolution Transport (CRT) is used only for add-ons, such as IS-IS or IS-OIL. It is used to eliminate conflicts that may arise between the different support packages and an add-on. Note that a CRT that applies to an add-on release also resolves all conflicts with previous releases of that add-on. In addition, a CRT may include other corrections for the corresponding add-on. A CRT can therefore always be a special add-on support package. Settings for SPAM With Additional Settings, you can access a dialogue box where you can specify general settings for the SAP Patch Manager (SPAM). These settings affect the behaviour of downloading and loading support packages of the different types equally. SPAM updates are an exception; certain settings are specified for these. You can toggle the following properties on and off: Transmission Monitor If you enable the Transmission Monitor, you can monitor the download of the support packages from the SAPNet - R/3 frontend with a graphical monitor. Otherwise, you will only get a progress bar. Scenario Choosing the scenario determines which actions should be performed while the Support Packages are being played in. The default scenario is used to fully deploy support packages; All steps are performed. The test scenario allows you to determine whether a modification match is required or whether conflicts occur that should be resolved before the support packages are loaded. The test scenario does not import data and objects into your SAP system. There is no test scenario for SPAM updates. The choice is ignored when a SPAM update is introduced. Rebuild data files You can specify whether the data files from the EPS packages will be reunzipped each time you try to play. In principle, this is the case.
Hosting environments and third-party offerings have also contributed to these improvements. Public cloud environments such as Azure and AWS provide a layer of abstraction that eliminates the difficult task of maintaining hardware that was required with SAP on-premises.
Point-in-Time Recovery
Reduce resources: depending on the agreement of the contract, you can ask for the service resources only when needed. This will save you some costs.
Over time, the tasks associated with the base became more complex and time-consuming, so that only the consultants could handle them. A need arose to hire a person to deal only with Basis matters.
For administrators, a useful product - "Shortcut for SAP Systems" - is available in the SAP basis area.
SAP Basis is the foundation of any SAP system. You can find a lot of useful information about it on this page: www.sap-corner.de.
If we look at the question of standardisation, this concerns not only the administrative side of IT products, but also the standardisation and simplification of IT products offered by the SAP basis.
With SAP Basis and Security Support on Demand, you can have SAP Basis and SAP Security tasks handled by our specialists - at a fixed price.