Practitioners for practitioners
WE19 Test tool for IDoc processing
He has already gathered a lot of helpful information from the day-to-day business in his department: Johannes knows the RFC interfaces and the corresponding technical RFC users from his work with the applications. He also quickly got the password for various RFC users via the radio ("As long as passwords are only communicated by phone and never exchanged in writing, we are clean!"). And that the RFC users are generously entitled even in productive systems is no longer a secret ("Better to have more permissions than too little; the RFC connections have to run, otherwise there is trouble from the specialist areas!"). Since Johannes has access to the SE37 as a developer, it is not a problem to get the necessary access using the function block BAPI_USER_CHANGE - disguised as RFC User. In short, it changes the user type of a technical RFC user in a production system from to by calling the function block.
The SAP Basis team handles the entire administration of an SAP system. As a company, you have to decide whether you want to leave the support of your system within your company or place the "Basis" in the hands of an SAP expert.
SWI1 Work item selection
You can control the access rights as usual. The big advantage of CMC tab configuration is that you can easily grant or withdraw group access to specific tabs. This gives you the ability to prepare background access permissions and then unlock all permissions by clicking on the CMC tab configuration. On the other hand, this allows you to remove accesses without having to edit any existing permissions. Have you already experienced CMC tab configuration or have questions about the application? I welcome any suggestions you may make as a comment.
SAP Basis ensures smooth operation of the SAP Basis system. The SAP Basis system is a kind of operating system of the R/3 system or SAP ERP. It includes three layers: database, application and presentation. In addition, Basis includes many SAP middleware programs and administration tools. With Basis SAP applications can be used compatible and independent of operating system and database and can be enriched with the necessary data.
Tools such as "Shortcut for SAP Systems" complement missing functions in the SAP basis area.
SAP Basis is the foundation of any SAP system. You can find a lot of useful information about it on this page:
In order to reduce the complexity of the SAP basis operation and to accelerate and simplify the tasks of the SAPBasis and to create free capacities, standardisation and automation of the existing activities is required.
However, our security experts specialise in this.