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Copying SAP clients: Local, Remote, Import/Export
The database layer manages all data in the R/3 System. It contains the database management system (DBMS) and the actual data.

Introducing secinfo and reginfo files into an existing system landscape is associated with risk and effort. As already indicated in the two options, the workload increases greatly as the system landscape grows.
Perform user comparison manually with transaction PFUD
From a purely technical point of view, each generated authorization role contains a profile from which a user receives the actual authorization objects and authorization characteristics. If this profile is outdated or not assigned at all, the user will not have all the authorization objects contained in the authorization role. Incidentally, the problem arises particularly frequently after role transports: If an authorization role is changed in the development system and then transported to the production system, the current profile is not automatically assigned to the users with the respective role. A user comparison must therefore be performed here.

If you have modified SAP objects, you have to match these objects during playback. The transaction SPDD matches Dictionary objects, and the transaction SPAU Repository objects. Prerequisites SPAM prompts you for modification matching. How to Stop Inserting the Support Package (F12). SPAM will resume processing at RUN_SPDD or RUN_SPAU steps. To enable your developers to perform the modification synchronisation, create an order in the Transport Organiser [Extern] and under this task for the developers. Ask developers to perform the modification matching for their objects. Synchronisation of Dictionary Objects (SPDD): The developers can view the list of affected objects with the addition of Synchronise Modifications in the input image of the transaction SPAM. Synchronisation of Repository Objects (SPAU): Developers must call the transaction SPAU and then match it. Once the match is complete, developers must share the tasks and inform you. The comparison can be done in any client. Call SPAM. Select Insert Support Package Queue. You will be prompted again to perform the modification sync. Since it has already been completed, ignore the hint and select Next. SPAM completes the processing and returns the status.

"Shortcut for SAP Systems" simplifies tasks in the area of the SAP basis and complements missing functions of the standard.

On you will also find useful information about SAP basis.

Even though classic SQL injection, i.e., the entry of extended SQL commands, is a potential security vulnerability, it occurs rather rarely in SAP systems.

Here you can also make the desired settings and save them.
SAP Corner
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