SE11 ABAP Dictionary
Over time, the tasks associated with the base became more complex and time-consuming, so that only the consultants could handle them. A need arose to hire a person to deal only with Basis matters.
You will need to download the support package again. CANNOT_DETERMINE_DATA_FILES: The name of a data file could not be determined because a profile parameter was not configured correctly. Verify the settings using the RSPARAM report. CANNOT_DISASSEMBLE_R_DATA_FILE: Unable to extract an R3trans data file. A possible cause of error is that the appropriate OCS file was not found or the data file could not be opened for writing. An error occurred while transferring a 20K block from the EPS inbox to the /usr/sap/trans/data (UNIX) directory. CANNOT_DISASSEMBLE_D_DATA_FILE: Unable to extract an ADO data file. The reasons are the same as for CANNOT_DISASSEMBLE_R_DATA_FILE. CANNOT_CREATE_COFILE: The cofile could not be created from the corresponding data file. One of the possible causes of error is that adm does not have write permissions for the /usr/sap/trans/cofiles (UNIX) directory.
Protect: CodeProfiler for ABAP protects the SAP system from internal and external attacks from the first day of deployment. The ABAP firewall can be set up within a very short time and immediately checks every new transport request when it is released. Optimize: The audit function of CodeProfiler for ABAP specifically determines which programs are most threatened and should therefore be cleaned up first. In the long term, CodeProfiler for ABAP supports the automated correction of all findings and thus enables the timely closure of security gaps in all programs.
In the area of SAP Basis it is necessary to make temporary changes in the security settings of the clients and systems in the course of system updates. You can use the system changeability variable to specify whether changeability of cross-client data, such as programs or menus, as well as client-independent customizing is allowed.
"Shortcut for SAP Systems" is a PC application that simplifies or even facilitates many activities in the SAP basis.
SAP Basis is the foundation of any SAP system. You can find a lot of useful information about it on this page:
If you have organised this, call the transaction SE06 in the 000 client and click on the button "System Modification".
Therefore, it is advisable that you restrict the character set of the user ID.