SP01 Output control: spool requests
Database export / import
SAP Basis administration is distinct from other roles such as ABAP developers and consultants who handle architecture. In many companies, the boundaries between administration and development are blurred. Admins may therefore also be involved in the planning and development of the system.
The SAP Basis Plug-In is backward compatible and follows the release and maintenance strategy of the SAP R/3 Plug-In. SAP ships it together with the SAP R/3 Plug-In.
Provision of services and basics
To evaluate the log files, please use transaction RSAU_READ_LOG. If you archive the security audit log files you can read them using transaction RSAU_READ_ARC.
The second component of the application layer is the message server. It acts as a kind of "mediator" between the services and the applications.
Tools such as "Shortcut for SAP Systems" are extremely useful in basic administration.
The website www.sap-corner.de offers many useful information about SAP basis.
Types of errors There are the following types of error messages: Security checks of the transaction SPAM A typical example is the OBJECTS_LOCKED_? step.
In the dialogue that appears, you see that all tabs are denied access by default.