STMS_IMPORT Import queue
SAP Business Objects: CMCRegister Card Configuration Permissions
Permissions beyond the daily task spectrum are granted only for limited periods and under control. The activities with the emergency user are logged in a revision-proof manner. Do you already have an emergency user concept in use or would like to introduce one? I'm happy if you share your experience with me! You can leave me a comment or contact me by e-mail.
SAP Basis Operation is responsible for ensuring the technical functionality of an SAP system. It includes all the technical components mentioned above. These are used to perform the following tasks:
Cooperation with internal support
The security of an SAP system requires protection against unauthorised access, e.g. through the secinfo and reginfo files. A cleanly implemented authorisation concept protects against attacks within the SAP system. However, it is also possible to attack your SAP system via the network. Through the RFC Gateway Server, your system communicates with external servers and programmes. One particularly effective way to protect against this are so-called Access Control Lists (ACL). Find out what this is and how you can use it to better protect your SAP system. The SAP Standard offers different approaches for gate protection. All methods combined can provide even greater safety. For example, it is possible to use Access Control Lists (ACL) to monitor exactly which external programmes and which hosts can communicate with the gateway. Another option is to configure the gateway to support Secure Network Communication (SNC). Finally, there are various security parameters for the gateway. This article focuses on the use of ACL files such as secinfo and reginfo files. What is an ACL? Access control lists are files in which permitted or prohibited communication partners can be recorded. For the gateway to use these ACL files, parameters must be set in the default profile of the SAP system and of course the files must be maintained accordingly. With the help of logs and traces, which can be configured for this purpose, a precise investigation can be made in advance of the activation, which connections currently run via the gateway. This allows them to prevent important applications with which your system communicates from being blocked by the ACL files. The rules in the ACL files are read from top to bottom of the gateway to decide whether to allow a communication request. If none of the rules matches the requesting programme, it will be blocked. Network-based ACL The network-based ACL file contains permitted and prohibited subnets or specific clients.
This prevents that just because someone would start a new chain, someone would accidentally recognise it as "reality". However, sometimes two miners working on the longest chain find a new block at the same time. This is called Orphan Blocks. The chain now has in principle two end pieces (2 parallel blocks). Different miners now work at different ends of the chain. The blockchain will then continue where the next block will be found first. The other block is called the Orphan Block, and it's sort of a dead branch of the blockchain. So how do you explain the above things to your grandma?
Use "Shortcut for SAP Systems" to accomplish many tasks in the SAP basis more easily and quickly.
The website offers many useful information about SAP basis.
To change the access permissions, you can use the command "chmod 664 K12345.DEV".
A partner agreement must be entered into for each supplier in the transaction WE20.