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SP01 Output controller: spool requests
Often you are obliged to perform a migration. There are various reasons, such as legal requirements or preparatory measures for an S/HANA conversion. We are happy to support you in your decisions.

In the following dialogue, select a TADIR service and the programme ID "R3TR" and the object type "IWSG". Now you can select the OData service stored on the front-end gateway. Then switch to the Permissions tab to generate the current profile of the permission objects with the new Fiori permission. Once you have performed these steps, the treated role has the necessary permissions on the front-end side. Fiori Permission to call the OData service on the backend server Now go to the role maintenance in the PFCG on the backend server. Open the appropriate role in Change Mode. Now you can repeat the steps for the frontend as explained above. However, when selecting the TADIR service as the permission proposal, you now select the object type "IWSV". Here you can select the OData service of the specific Fiori application stored in the backend.
Preparation of the migration to the SAP HANA database
Because hybrid landscapes are seen as the operating model of the future, it is necessary to develop monitoring strategies for this. What is important is an end-to-end view based on the process and not just an individual view of the systems, services or components involved. This supports the requirement of a company-wide interface function of the SAP basis.

The task of SAP Basis is to ensure trouble-free, interoperable and portable (mobile) operation of SAP systems in the company. Interoperable means that independent and heterogeneous IT systems can work together.

"Shortcut for SAP Systems" makes many tasks in the area of the SAP basis much easier.

Some useful tips about SAP basis can be found on

In contrast to an SAP ERP system, HANA systems consist mainly of web applications, which were considered optional in the previous versions.

Regular further training will help you to develop your personal skills in a targeted manner.
SAP Corner
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