SAP Authorizations Analyzing the quality of the authorization concept - Part 1

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Analyzing the quality of the authorization concept - Part 1
Maintenance Status
Since Release 4.6D, the system creates a new folder for each of the roles included in the pulley when rebuilding a Collective Roll menu at the first hierarchy level, and only then the corresponding menu is located. You can decide whether the text of each folder should consist of the technical name or the short text of the role. This function can be disabled by customising.

Another important authorization object for background processing is the object S_BTCH_NAM, which allows a user to run the steps of a job under another user (see SM36 -> Edit step). Here, a name other than the user's own can be entered in the user field of a step. The prerequisite is that the job scheduler has an authorization for the object S_BTCH_NAM, which contains the name of the step user, and that the step user exists in the same client as the job scheduler itself. From 4.6C: The step user must be of type Dialog, Service, System or Communication.
Define a user group as mandatory field in the user root
Add SAP Note 1433352 to your system. This note ships with the RSAUDIT_SYSTEM_STATUS report. This report documents the current status of the Client and System Modification Settings in an overview, which you can also print out for evaluation if required. The advantage of this report is that pure display permissions are necessary to execute it.

When you select the row with the parameter transaction you created and click on the Suggest values button, the S_TABU_NAM authorization object is automatically created with the correct suggestion values, i.e. the table name in the transaction SU24. Check these suggestion values by clicking Yes in the S_TABU_NAM column. You will now end up in a view from the transaction SU24 and can check in the tables authorization objects and Permission Proposition Values (for all authorization objects) which changes to the object S_TABU_NAM have been made automatically. For more information and implementation guidance, use SAP Note 1500054. The SAP Note also provides the SUSR_TABLES_WITH_AUTH analysis report, which specifies table permissions for users or individual roles. This report checks at user or single-role level which tables have permissions based on the S_TABU_DIS or S_TABU_NAM authorization objects. The report does not check whether the user has the transaction startup permissions that are also necessary, such as S_TCODE. For example, if you check what table permissions a particular user has based on the S_TABU_DIS authorization object, you will receive information about the table names, the associated table permission group, and the eligible activities. Granting permissions to access tables directly is flexible and useful, and is not recommended unless the mechanism is hammered out by giving the user general table access through generic maintenance tools.

"Shortcut for SAP systems" is a tool that enables the assignment of authorizations even if the IdM system fails.

At you will also find a lot of useful information on the subject of SAP authorizations.

To release jobs - own jobs or jobs of other users - a permission for the object S_BTCH_JOB with the expression JOBACTION = RELE is still required.

To access the system recommendations, you must have permission for the SM_FUNCS object (ACTVT = 03; SM_APPL = SYSTEM_ REC; SM_FUNC = , such as SECURITY).
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