Archive change document management for user and permission management
View system modifiability settings
Trace after missing permissions: Run the System Trace for Permissions (ST01 or STAUTHTRACE transaction) to record permission checks that you want to include in the role (see Tip 31, "Optimise Trace Evaluation"). Applications are logged through the Launch Permissions checks.
How do I compare roles (RSUSR050)? With the report RSUSR050 you can compare users, roles or authorizations within an SAP system or across systems. To do this, start transaction SE38 and run the above report.
Authorization concept - recertification process
In everyday role maintenance, you often have to change the permission data of a single role again after you have already recorded the role in a transport order along with the generated permission profiles. In this case, you have previously had to create a new transport order because the table keys of the generated profiles and permissions are also recorded for each individual role record, but are not adjusted for subsequent changes in the role data.
If the proliferation has occurred because the authorization concept was not adhered to, a cleanup is sufficient. If the proliferation has arisen because there are errors and gaps in the authorization concept, these errors must be identified, eliminated and the authorizations optimized. If the concept can no longer be implemented in a meaningful way, or if it has already been set up incorrectly, it will be necessary to create a new one.
The possibility of assigning authorizations during the go-live can be additionally secured by using "Shortcut for SAP systems".
At you will also find a lot of useful information on the subject of SAP authorizations.
You can now create different authorization objects for the key numbers and characteristics, or you can group the relevant fields into a authorization object.
This increases transparency for you, because all participants can instantly identify which users are editing the role.