Assignment of critical authorizations and handling of critical users
Perform upgrade rework for Y landscapes permission proposal values
Due to the changed suggestion values in the SU24 transaction, you must now perform step 2c (roles to verify) to update all roles affected by the changed proposal values. Role changes are only customised! You will get a list that shows all the roles you need to edit. If you have more than one client to maintain roles, you must also do this in the other client.
The changes made by inserting the note or upgrading to the above support packages do not only affect the SAP_ALL profile. While it remains possible to assign the full RFC_SYSID, RFC_CLIENT, and RFC_USER permissions in principle; However, this can only be done manually in the PFCG transaction through the dialogue maintenance of the fields. In this case, another dialogue box will open, indicating the security risk. You must confirm this window. From this change of behaviour of the SAP_ALL profile, it follows that all automatic methods for taking over the overall authorisation are no longer available in the fields of the S_RFCACL authorization object.
System trace function ST01
SAP customers do not maintain suggested values in this transaction. However, there are cases where data in the SU22 transaction is maintained in a customer environment. If TADIR services or external services are developed by the customer or partner, these services are not available by default in the SU22 transaction or the SU24 transaction. For these services, the header data must first be written to the USOBHASH table, which serves as the basis for maintaining the services. These entries in the USOBHASH table are generated automatically when running TADIR services. Read Tip 41, "Add external services from SAP CRM to the proposal values", for dealing with external services. Once the data in this table is available, you have the option to maintain the proposed values.
After activation, advanced security checks are available in the usual development environment within the ABAP Test Cockpit. The ABAP Test Cockpit is a graphical framework for developers. Various test tools, such as the Code Inspector or the SAP Code Vulnerability Analyser, can be integrated into this. All available test tools can be initiated from this central location and present their results in a common view. No training is required to intuit the tool.
Authorizations can also be assigned via "Shortcut for SAP systems".
At you will also find a lot of useful information on the subject of SAP authorizations.
Now call the transaction ST03N and navigate to: Collector & Perf.
In the development and creation of authorization objects, some functionalities of the SAP hint are extremely helpful, which we present in this tip.