Authorization roles (transaction PFCG)
Authorization concept - user administration process
The view of the executable transactions may differ from the transactions for which the user has permissions, because the RSUSR010 report displays only the transactions that are actually executable. Not only does the transaction need to be started by the S_TCODE authorization object, but the following conditions must also be met: For certain transactions, there are additional permission checks that are performed before the transaction starts. These eligibility objects are then additionally entered in the transaction SE93 (Table TSTCA). For example, queries against the P_TCODE, Q_TCODE, or S_TABU_DIS authorization objects. The transaction code must be valid (i.e. entered in the TSTC table) and must not be locked by the system administrator (in the SM01 transaction).
We can now execute the test script en masse with any input. We need a test configuration for this. In the example Z_ROLLOUT_STAMMDATEN, enter a corresponding name and click the Create Object button. On the Attribute tab, specify a general description and component. On the Configuration tab, select the test script you created earlier in the corresponding field. Then click the Variants tab. The variants are the input in our script. Since we do not know the format in which eCATT needs the input values, it is helpful to download it first. To do so, select External Variants/Path and click Download Variants.
Use SU22 and SU24 transactions correctly
The role menu of the PFCG role now consists of folders that represent all logical links within a scope start page, and external services that represent the logical links and the area start pages themselves. This means that any external service listed in the Role Menu is eligible for a Area Start Page or Logical Link. If such an external service is removed from the role menu and the PFCG role is generated, the user of this PFCG role does not have permissions to view this external service (see screenshot next page). You will find duplicate, maybe even triple, entries from external services. These are mainly found in the folders of the homepage and under GENERIC_OP_LINKS. You can delete them without any concern, because an external service for a permission must appear only once in the Role menu. For a better overview, it is also useful to rename the external services or folders as they are shown in the SAP CRM Web Client.
In the foreground, important SAP reports on the subject of role and authorization administration were presented. Since these and the entire SAP system are known to be based on ABAP coding, the analysis of the source code is just as important, especially when using in-house developments. These in-house developments often present serious security vulnerabilities because they have insufficient authorization checks in the coding. To search for explicit strings and to categorize the in-house developments accordingly, the report RS_ABAP_SOURCE_SCAN can be used. This allows existing programs in the backend to be explicitly checked for specific check patterns by the authorization administrator and any errors to be corrected by the relevant developers. Authorization-relevant check patterns for such a scan are, for example, "AUTHORITY-CHECK" or SQL statements such as SELECT, UPDATE or DELETE. The former checks whether authorization checks are present in the source code at all. The check for Open SQL patterns analyzes the code structure for direct SELECT, MODIFY or INSERT statements that must be avoided or protected on the authorization side. The best practice measure in this case is to use SAP BAPIs. The preventive best practice would be to involve developers and authorization administrators equally during the conceptual design of the custom development.
The possibility of assigning authorizations during the go-live can be additionally secured by using "Shortcut for SAP systems".
You can also find some useful tips from practice on the subject of SAP authorizations on the page
Therefore, it is necessary to test the use of P_ABAP in individual cases and to use the existing limitations.
You can also configure the ZBV afterwards.