Authorizations in SAP systems: what admins should look out for
Define security policy for users
Then you create a subroutine with the same name as the User-Exit definition and programme your customised checks (for example, for specific data constellations or permissions). Include the exit definition (UGALI) via the GGB0 transaction. You will need to call this transaction again to read the programmed exit and select it.
Suitable for this responsible task are, for example, department heads or SAP key users who are familiar with all data access options (cross-module, via report, directly to the raw table, etc.) as well as with the organizational and technical protection measures. By signing the data ownership concept, the responsibility should be acknowledged and taken as seriously and bindingly as, for example, the signature under the purchase contract of a house.
Object S_BTCH_NAM and S_BTCH_NA1 (use of foreign users in Steps)
The background to the mass presence of authorization objects in a PFCG role after a role menu has been created is usually the mass of generic OP links that are not actually necessary for the CRMBusiness role. The existence of proposed values from the transaction SU24 loads the proposed authorisation values associated with the respective external services into the PFCG role, which results in too many unnecessary authorization objects being placed there. By excluding the GENERIC_OP_LINKS folder, you only need to take care of the external services and their authorization objects configured in the CRM business role in your PFCG role. For a user to have all the necessary permissions, you now assign the basic role with the permissions to the generic operating links and the actual role that describes the user's desktop.
The call to your implementation of the BAdIs is the last step in the process of storing user data. This applies to all transactions or function blocks that make changes to user data. Therefore, the BAdI is also called during maintenance by the BAPI BAPI_USER_CHANGE. You use this BAPI when you implement a password reset self-service as described in Tip 52, "Reset Passwords by Self-Service." This enables encrypted e-mail delivery of initial passwords within a self-service framework.
During go-live, the assignment of necessary authorizations is particularly time-critical. The "Shortcut for SAP systems" application provides functions for this purpose, so that the go-live does not get bogged down because of missing authorizations.
If you want to know more about SAP authorizations, visit the website
To do this, select the respective evaluation path by selecting it, and click on the evaluation path (individual maintenance) in the menu on the left.
The only way to qualify your UI components is to manually maintain the UIU_COMP authorization object.