Background processing
Preventing sprawl with the workload monitor
Finally, the check logic provides for a row-level check within a table if you want to restrict access to the table contents depending on an organisational mapping. For example, if you want a user to view only the data from a table that affects the country where their work location is located, you must configure it accordingly. To do this, you define and activate organisation-relevant fields as an organisational criterion (see Tip 62, "Organisationally restrict table editing permissions"). To keep track of which users can access which tables, run the SUSR_TABLES_WITH_AUTH report. This report provides information about which user or single role has the S_TABU_DIS or S_TABU_NAM authorization objects. The result list shows all the authorised tables, their permissions, and their permission values.
Step 2d (Show Modified Transaction Codes) lists all roles that have been found to use an old transaction code. Sometimes, new transaction codes replace old transaction codes. In this step you have the option to exchange the transaction codes. Once you have completed the upgrade of the Eligibility proposal values, you will be given the option in Step 3 (Transport of the Customer Tables). Transport your permissions suggestions in your system landscape.
Controlling file access permissions
You can implement the first request for additional verifications when performing document transactions by using document validation. In this example, we assume that the document is posted through an interface and that you want to check permissions for custom authorization objects and/or certain data constellations. There are different dates for document validation. The complete document can always be validated, if only the information from document header (time 1) or document position (time 2) is available to you, this can also be sufficient depending on the scenario. In such cases, you need to create validation at the appropriate times. Before you can write a User-Exit in a validation, you have to make some preparations.
The authorization objects are attached by analogy to the forecast and item-based reports. The authorization objects of the item-based reports are checked in addition to the authorization objects for the information system when the report is selected. There is a trick in maintaining the CO-PA-specific authorization objects, because a once selected result area is set for the entire session of your login. This is of course hindering the maintenance of authorization objects for different result areas. Therefore, simply change the result area in the Customising window using the following path: Controlling > Income and market segment accounting > Structures > Set result area.
"Shortcut for SAP systems" is a tool that enables the assignment of authorizations even if the IdM system fails.
If you want to know more about SAP authorizations, visit the website
By default, this feature is off.
In principle, user login to the application server can then be restricted by setting the new login/server_logon_restriction profile parameter.