SAP Authorizations Basics SAP Authorizations including Fiori - Online Training

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Basics SAP Authorizations including Fiori - Online Training
Advantages of authorization concepts
The path with the associated permission group DEVL contains the local temporary files of the ABAP Frontend Editor of the ABAP development environment (transactions SE38, SE80, SE24, etc.). The two paths with the ADMN permission group show how logically related paths can be grouped into a S_PATH permission check. The two entries with the FILE permission group show how paths for Windows can be completed in systems with application servers of different operating systems. The core.sem and coreinfo entries are required to write run-time errors in the SNAP snapshot table. The dev_ and gw_ entries allow you to view files from the developer trace and Gateway Log in the ST11 transaction. If the suggestion in the first entry of the table is too restrictive, you can choose the alternative in the following table. This entry only forces a permission check on S_PATH and the ALL permission group; You should, however, only grant such permission very restrictively.

RFC connections are interfaces for many local and global system processes, but also a security-relevant source of errors for many companies. The RFC interfaces and associated system users often have too strong authorizations and can quickly be misused by unauthorized persons to view sensitive company data. It is therefore important to always keep these system connections in the focus of global monitoring and to check which RFC destinations lead where and what they do. For this purpose there is the program RSRFCCHK which allows you to perform specific tests for your RFC system landscape. On the one hand the content of the RFCDES table is checked and on the other hand the corresponding user properties of the system users are displayed as an overview. Consequently, important parameters such as the target machine, the client, the background user or also the password property can be checked in an overview.
Adjust tax audit read permissions for each fiscal year
The use of suggestion values not only brings advantages when creating or maintaining PFCG roles, but also when maintaining permissions as a rework of an upgrade. Furthermore, these values can be used as a basis for risk definitions. Before creating PFCG roles, it is useful to maintain the suggested values for the transactions used. However, you do not need to completely revise all of the suggested values that are delivered by SAP.

In our eCATT test configuration, the prepared file can now be used to play the recording. Note that playback stops when we encounter an error in the PFCG transaction, such as when we try to create a role with the input values that already exist. To play, specify the file under External Variants in Test Configuration and click Run (F8). You will be given the opportunity to set some playback properties. Now, with Run, it starts. You will see some messages from the PFCG version at the bottom of the status bar and will end up with a summary of success (or failure if there were errors). We admit that eCATT is more complex to use than the transaction SU10. However, if you have used eCATT a few times, it is quite quick. Please always note that the basic mechanism is to play a recording and therefore other organisational levels (e.g. a third organisational level, which is in the dialogue before the work and the sales point) also require a different recording and editing.

During go-live, the assignment of necessary authorizations is particularly time-critical. The "Shortcut for SAP systems" application provides functions for this purpose, so that the go-live does not get bogged down because of missing authorizations.

You can also find some useful tips from practice on the subject of SAP authorizations on the page

You can use the function block level permission check by setting the FUNC value in the RFC_TYPE field in the S_RFC authorization object.

This allows you to review the history of the audit results at a later stage or to view only the results of the last audit.
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