Best Practices Benefit from PFCG Roles Naming Conventions
Define S_RFC permissions using usage data
When creating the PFCG individual roles in the respective SAP system, you should create the menu structure so that they can be combined with other individual roles in a single role. Once you have created the individual roles with the correct role menu, you can assign them to a collection role. Add the Role Menu to the Collect Roll using the Read Menu button. The menu can now be finally sorted. If changes to the roll menu are necessary, however, you must first make them in the individual rolls and then remix them in the roll roll (using the Mix button, see figure next page above). Transactions from other SAP systems such as SAP CRM, SAP SCM etc. can also be integrated into the NWBC. To do this, you first create the PFCG role for the relevant transactions in the target system. From the individual roles you can create collection roles with a defined menu structure.
The SU10 transaction, as the user administrator, helps you maintain bulk user master records. You can now also select the user data by login data. You're probably familiar with this. You have blocked users, for example, so that a support package can be included. Some users, such as administrators, are not affected. For collective unlocking, you only want to select users with an administrator lock. The mass maintenance tool for users in the transaction SU10 is available for this purpose. This transaction allows you to select by user and then perform an action on all selected users. Until now, users could only be selected by address data and permission data.
Statistical data of other users
Furthermore, automation is possible with the help of a customer-specific ABAP programme. To do this, you should take a closer look at the AGR_TEXTS table. The table contains the different text blocks in different languages. Here we show you a section of the table with our example role Z_SE63. Short texts are assigned a value of 00000 in the column LINE, and long texts are assigned a value of 00001 to 0000x. The language keys are displayed in the SPRAS column. An ABAP programme now allows you to write the counterparts for the text fields in the target language into the fields in the tables.
The SAP Code Vulnerability Analyser can be used to scan both custom on-premise and on-demand applications programmed in ABAP. The SAP Code Vulnerability Analyser is included with SAP NetWeaver AS ABAP 7.02; an installation is not necessary. For details on the relevant support packages, please refer to SAP Notes 1921820 and 1841643. You do not need additional servers or additional administration. You can activate the SAP Code Vulnerability Analyser with the RSLIN_SEC_LICENSE_SETUP report, but you have to pay additional royalties for it.
With "Shortcut for SAP systems" you can automate the assignment of roles after a go-live.
If you want to know more about SAP authorizations, visit the website
You can use the roles as a template for your own roles and adapt them to your requirements.
You should then delete the hash values of the user passwords as described above.