Calling RFC function modules
Check for permissions on the old user group when assigning a new user group to a user
The requirements for the architecture of authorization concepts are as individual as the requirements of each company. Therefore, there is no perfect template. Nevertheless, there are topics that should be considered in an authorization concept.
The most important security services regarding permissions are the EarlyWatch Alert (EWA) and the SAP Security Optimisation Service (SOS). You compare the settings in your SAP systems with the recommendations of SAP. Both services are delivered as partially automated remote services; You can also use the SOS as a fully automated self-service. The EWA and SOS shall carry out eligibility tests, the results of which shall always be as follows: The heading indicates the check in question. A short text describes the importance of the audited entitlement and the risk of unnecessary award. A list indicates the number of users with the validated permission in the different clients of the analysed SAP system. The SOS also allows you to list the users. In the SOS, a recommendation is made for each check to minimise the identified risk. A final formal description represents the checked permissions. However, not only the explicitly mentioned transactions are evaluated, but also equivalent parameter or variant transactions.
SAP authorizations: Recommendations for setting up, monitoring and controlling
Business objects to which companies refer authorizations are defined in the system as authorization objects. For individual conditions, SAP delivers the authorization objects F_FICO_IND and F_FICO_AIN. With F_FICO_IND you can define which individual conditions are checked when processing the contract depending on the defined authorization fields and their characteristics. Using the authorization object F_FICO_AIN, companies can define whether and how individual conditions are to be checked when processing in the BAPI channel depending on the defined authorization fields and their characteristics.
Have you ever wondered who has critical permissions in your system? Have you lacked the tool and approach to identify these users? The user system in an SAP system is always connected to a permission assignment. Over the life cycle of a user in the SAPS system, more and more permissions are accumulated if they are not withdrawn once they are no longer needed. This accumulation is bound to result in users being able to perform more actions than you would like as the permission administrator. To avoid this, we want to give you a suitable tool.
Assigning a role for a limited period of time is done in seconds with "Shortcut for SAP systems" and allows you to quickly continue your go-live.
You can also find some useful tips from practice on the subject of SAP authorizations on the page
You should not overestimate the often demanded freedom of redundancy.
Finally, it goes through all the rolls that contain a shape to the field.