SAP Authorizations Check and refresh the permission buffer

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Check and refresh the permission buffer
Check the SAP authorization concept
Once you have defined your criteria for executing the report, you can create different variants for the report and schedule corresponding jobs to automatically lock down or invalidate the inactive users. If you want to start the report in a system that is connected to a Central User Management, you should consider the following points: You can only set local user locks. You can set the validity period only if the maintenance is set to Local in the settings of the Central User Management (this setting is set in the SCUM transaction).

A separate programme - a separate permission. What sounds simple requires a few steps to be learned. Do you want to implement your own permission checks in your own development or extend standard applications with your own permission checks? When implementing customer-specific permissions, a lot needs to be considered. In this tip, we focus on the technical implementation of the authorisation check implementation.
Checking at Program Level with AUTHORITY-CHECK
Finally, you can extend your implementation of the BAdIs BADI_IDENTITY_SU01_CREATE and pre-enter additional fields of the transaction SU01. To do this, complete the appropriate SET_* methods of the IF_IDENTITY interface. For example, it is possible to assign parameters that should be maintained for all users, assign a company, or assign an SNC name.

Very often the question then arises, does anything have to be prepared for the audit? As a rule, all of the company's own notes from previous years should be retrieved and combed through for information that was noted at the time during the discussions with the IT auditor. The IT auditor's findings and comments that show potential for improvement in IT-relevant processes or system settings are particularly essential. Furthermore, any reports by the auditor from the previous year should also be taken into account, in which deficiencies identified at that time were pointed out.

If you get into the situation that authorizations are required that were not considered in the role concept, "Shortcut for SAP systems" allows you to assign the complete authorization for the respective authorization object.

You can also find some useful tips from practice on the subject of SAP authorizations on the page

The goal is for SAP SuccessFactors users to maintain an overview of roles and authorizations in the system.

The table contains the different text blocks in different languages.
SAP Corner
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