SAP Authorizations Create permissions for customising

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Create permissions for customising
Roles and permissions in SAP SuccessFactors often grow organically and become confusing
Especially in complex and multi-level system landscapes, roles may be assigned to a user twice. In addition, roles may also have expired due to the specification of a validity period. To keep your role concept and your user administration maintainable and clean, it is recommended to delete these obsolete roles. You can do this by clicking on the report PRGN_COMPRESS_TIMES. This program is also available via the PFCG under the system tab "Utilities" and category "Mass adjustment".

After defining the roles and generating the corresponding authorization profiles, the individual persons in the company are then assigned to the roles. In the process, the so-called user comparison takes place and the role-specific authorizations are stored in the user master record. The master record contains all information about an SAP user, including authorizations.
Maintenance Status
In order to transport this table entry, you must go to the object list of the transport order in transaction SE09 and manually create an entry there with object key R3TR TABU KBEROBJ. Double-click on the key list, and you will be taken to the care image where you have to create an entry with *. This will transport all entries in the KBEROBJ table starting with a space. You must then move the RESPAREA field to the organisational level. Please follow the instructions in our Tip 49, "Add New Organisation Levels". If you use more than one Cost Centre or Profit Centre hierarchy with inheritance logic for the permissions, you must set this in the Customising cost accounting circles through the transaction OKKP. There you can decide in the year independent basic data which hierarchies you want to use. In the basic data for the year, you then define which hierarchies should be used per fiscal year. You can use up to three hierarchies for entitlement award for cost centres and profit centres.

Armed with this information, it goes to the conceptual work. Describe which employee groups, which organisational units use which applications and define the scope of use. In the description, indicate for which organisational access (organisational level, but also cost centres, organisational units, etc.) the organisational unit per application should be entitled; So what you're doing is mapping out the organisation. It is also important to note which mandatory functional separation must be taken into account. This gives you a fairly detailed description, which in principle already indicates business roles (in relation to the system).

Authorizations can also be assigned via "Shortcut for SAP systems".

You can also find some useful tips from practice on the subject of SAP authorizations on the page

For the start authorization check of Web Dynpro ABAP applications, the system uses the authorization object S_START in the same way as the authorization object S_TCODE for transactions.

Therefore, an SAP_NEW profile is always bound to a specific base release.
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