Custom Permissions
SAP Data Analytics
In 2020, there were 82,761 cases of computer fraud in Germany. Five years earlier, the number of cases was significantly lower - 23,562 cases - and have steadily increased from then on. The smaller the group of people with access, the smaller the risk of data falling into the wrong hands. Efficient and well thought-out authorization management plays a key role in minimizing risk and is a good way of protecting against unauthorized access, data misuse and industrial espionage. Without a coherent, well thought-out concept, the regulation of accesses and authorizations for the users or key users of an SAP system is a serious security vulnerability.
Finally, you can extend your implementation of the BAdIs BADI_IDENTITY_SU01_CREATE and pre-enter additional fields of the transaction SU01. To do this, complete the appropriate SET_* methods of the IF_IDENTITY interface. For example, it is possible to assign parameters that should be maintained for all users, assign a company, or assign an SNC name.
In most cases, customizing is performed using transaction SPRO. However, this is only the initial transaction for a very comprehensive tree structure of further maintenance transactions. Most customizing activities, however, consist of indirect or direct maintenance of tables. Therefore, a random check of the authorization structure in this environment can be reduced to table authorizations. In the case of delimited responsibilities within customizing (e.g. FI, MM, SD, etc.), attention should therefore be paid here to an appropriate delimitation within the table authorizations. Independent of assigned transaction authorizations within customizing, a full authorization on table level combined with a table maintenance transaction such as SM30 practically corresponds to a full authorization in customizing. Normal customizing by user departments generally refers to client-specific tables. Access to system tables should therefore be restricted to basic administration if possible.
RFC connections are interfaces for many local and global system processes, but also a security-relevant source of errors for many companies. The RFC interfaces and associated system users often have too strong authorizations and can quickly be misused by unauthorized persons to view sensitive company data. It is therefore important to always keep these system connections in the focus of global monitoring and to check which RFC destinations lead where and what they do. For this purpose there is the program RSRFCCHK which allows you to perform specific tests for your RFC system landscape. On the one hand the content of the RFCDES table is checked and on the other hand the corresponding user properties of the system users are displayed as an overview. Consequently, important parameters such as the target machine, the client, the background user or also the password property can be checked in an overview.
The possibility of assigning authorizations during the go-live can be additionally secured by using "Shortcut for SAP systems".
At you will also find a lot of useful information on the subject of SAP authorizations.
However, if a company does not have a concept for introducing new SAP authorizations and these are always coupled with new roles, the roles and authorizations will continue to grow.
In addition, critical commands should be prohibited from the outset.