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If an entry in transaction SE97 is correctly created, a permission check is performed in the same way as a transaction startup authorisation. This approach therefore requires an exact and complete configuration for each transaction that is invoked. The required effort and the space for errors are correspondingly large. The CALL TRANSACTION ABAP command does not cause a transaction startup permission check. Without a permission check, the ABAP programme could unintentionally allow users to access system resources. In many cases, such authorisation problems lead to a hidden compliance violation, because this means that the traceability of user actions in the SAP system is no longer guaranteed. A developer should not rely on the functionality of the SE97 transaction and therefore should include the possible permission checks in the code. Therefore, one of the following explicitly coded permission checks for the CALL TRANSACTION statement must be performed.
The password lock is not suitable to prevent the login to the system, because it does not prevent the login via single sign-on. Learn how to safely lock the system logon. The SAP system distinguishes several reasons for blocking. Therefore, sometimes there is confusion when a user is still able to log on to the system, e.g. via Single Sign-on (SSO), despite the password lock. We explain the differences between locking passwords, locking and validity of user accounts, and validity of assigned permissions in the following.
Efficient SAP rollout through central, tool-supported management
Furthermore, automation is possible with the help of a customer-specific ABAP programme. To do this, you should take a closer look at the AGR_TEXTS table. The table contains the different text blocks in different languages. Here we show you a section of the table with our example role Z_SE63. Short texts are assigned a value of 00000 in the column LINE, and long texts are assigned a value of 00001 to 0000x. The language keys are displayed in the SPRAS column. An ABAP programme now allows you to write the counterparts for the text fields in the target language into the fields in the tables.
The SAP Note 1903323 provides a solution. The functionality is only provided via support packages for NetWeaver releases 7.31 and 7.40. This fix extends the naming conventions so that namespaces in the /XYZ/ format can be used up to a maximum of eight characters. In the development and creation of authorization objects, some functionalities of the SAP hint are extremely helpful, which we present in this tip.
"Shortcut for SAP systems" is a tool that enables the assignment of authorizations even if the IdM system fails.
At you will also find a lot of useful information on the subject of SAP authorizations.
This mapping is required, among other things, to control access permissions or constraints.
You can also automate the sync.