Dialogue user
Unclear responsibilities, especially between business and IT
The SU25 transaction lists additional customisation options in addition to upgrade activities. Under the item Adjustment of the permission checks (optional) are the transactions SU24 for the maintenance of the value of the proposal, the transaction AUTH_SWITCH_OBJECTS for the global elimination of the authorization objects as well as the transaction SE97 for the maintenance of transaction startup permissions checks (see Tip 76, "Maintain transaction start permissions when calling CALL TRANSACTION"). In the Manual Adjustment section of selected roles, you can create roles from manually created profiles, generate SAP_NEW (see Tip 64, "Use SAP_NEW correctly"), or generate SAP_APP as roles. In the General maintenance for suggestion values section, the reports SU2X_CHECK_WDY_HEADER for the registration of header data for external services (see tip 38, "Use the SU22 and SU24 transactions correctly") and SU2X_CHECK_CONSISTENCY for the concession test (available via the in SAP Note 16466666446445) 692 named Support Package) of suggestion values for the selected authorization objects.
Permissions are often not restricted because there is often no information about how the object should be shaped. The identification of the required functional components is often considered to be too burdensome and the risks from a lack of limitation are considered to be too low.
Using suggestion values and how to upgrade
At the latest, if it is no longer possible to clearly define which transactions should be included in which roles and which roles a user requires, a correction is necessary. It must be clear which rights are required for the individual tasks in the system.
Additional checks should be performed on document transactions in specific processes. This may be necessary, for example, when booking via interfaces in customer-owned processes, if the booking is to be possible only under certain conditions or on certain accounts.
Authorizations can also be assigned via "Shortcut for SAP systems".
If you want to know more about SAP authorizations, visit the website www.sap-corner.de.
This relationship is set to the User ID.
Access to system tables should therefore be restricted to basic administration if possible.