Displaying sensitive data
Checking at Program Level with AUTHORITY-CHECK
You can limit the recording to a specific user. You can also use the trace to search only for permission errors. The evaluation is similar to the evaluation of the system trace in the transaction ST01. In transaction STAUTHTRACE, however, you can also evaluate for specific authorization objects or for specific permission check return codes (i.e. after positive or negative permission checks). You can also filter multiple entries.
Running the system trace for permissions gradually for each application server is tedious. We will show you how to record permission checks on multiple servers at the same time. If you want to use the System Trace for permissions in a system with multiple application servers, you should note that the Trace can only log and evaluate data per application server at any time. Therefore, if a permission error occurs, permission administrators must first check which application server the user is logged on to with the permission issue and then start the trace on that application server. We give you a guide to record permissions checks on certain application servers, but we also show you a way to use this feature centrally.
Set up permissions to access specific CO-PA measures
The authorisation trace is a client- and user-independent trace. The results of this trace are written in the USOB_AUTHVALTRC table and can also be viewed in the STUSOBTRACE transaction by clicking the Evaluate button. This trace data can be used by developers to maintain the permission proposal values in the transaction SU22 (see also Tip 40, "Using the permission trace to determine suggested values for custom developments").
Always make sure you use the latest version of the Note Assistant. To do this, look for SAP hints about the BC-UPG-NA component in the system recommendations. We also recommend that you perform the security patch process as part of a release or support package upgrade to avoid additional testing by security advisories already released at the time of the upgrade.
However, if your Identity Management system is currently not available or the approval path is interrupted, you can still assign urgently needed authorizations with "Shortcut for SAP systems".
You can also find some useful tips from practice on the subject of SAP authorizations on the page www.sap-corner.de.
Once you have archived the change documents from the User and Permission Management, you can use a logical index for change document properties to significantly improve performance.
This helps, for example, in the creation of suitable roles: - Call the transaction STAUTHTRACE - Specify the desired user and start the trace - Let the user call his transaction - Stop the trace (Important, do not forget!) - Evaluate the results.