SAP Authorizations Encrypt e-mails

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Encrypt e-mails
Installing and executing ABAP source code via RFC
Starting with SAP NetWeaver 7.31, the Security Audit Log enables the complete display of longer event parameters in messages. To do this, the maximum storage space for variables in messages has been increased to 2 GB. To play this extension, you need a kernel patch. For the fixes and an overview of the required support packages, see SAP Note 1819317.

In this article, I show you with which transaction you can easily and quickly run the authorization trace in SAP ERP or SAP S/4HANA. The displayed result provides a good overview of the involved authorizations. In this course, existing roles and profiles in authorization management (transaction PFCG) can be extended. In addition, the authorization trace is useful for maintaining authorization default values (transactions SU22 and SU24).
Authorizations in SAP BW, HANA and BW/4HANA
In order to transport this table entry, you must go to the object list of the transport order in transaction SE09 and manually create an entry there with object key R3TR TABU KBEROBJ. Double-click on the key list, and you will be taken to the care image where you have to create an entry with *. This will transport all entries in the KBEROBJ table starting with a space. You must then move the RESPAREA field to the organisational level. Please follow the instructions in our Tip 49, "Add New Organisation Levels". If you use more than one Cost Centre or Profit Centre hierarchy with inheritance logic for the permissions, you must set this in the Customising cost accounting circles through the transaction OKKP. There you can decide in the year independent basic data which hierarchies you want to use. In the basic data for the year, you then define which hierarchies should be used per fiscal year. You can use up to three hierarchies for entitlement award for cost centres and profit centres.

You have an organizational structure that includes 4 hierarchical levels - authority, department, unit, functional area). The authorization concept in your organization states that access (processing) to Records Management objects should be allowed for an employee only within his/her own organizational unit. However, the authorization check should only take place on three levels. So if a unit is subdivided into further functional areas, all employees of the unit and the functional areas should have the same authorizations. Since department 2 and department 3 work very closely together, employees of department 2 should be able to read all files, transactions and documents of department 3 and vice versa.

If you get into the situation that authorizations are required that were not considered in the role concept, "Shortcut for SAP systems" allows you to assign the complete authorization for the respective authorization object.

You can also find some useful tips from practice on the subject of SAP authorizations on the page

We show you how to create customising permissions for individual projects or project views, thereby limiting access.

The NWBC enables you to call not only transactions, but also Web-Dynpro applications and external service applications.
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