SAP Authorizations Evaluate licence data through the Central User Management

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Evaluate licence data through the Central User Management
Controlling permissions for the SAP NetWeaver Business Client
If you want your own developments to meet your security requirements, just like the standard, you must assign table permission groups to the custom tables. Custom tables, or SAP standard tables that you want to protect in particular, belong to separate, if applicable, customer-specific table permission groups. If extensive permissions are to be granted for system administration or certain applications, this is done with the S_TABU_DIS authorization object for the table permission group. Since many standard tables do not have a table permission group assigned to them and therefore automatically end up in the table permission group &NC&, you should restrict access to this table permission group. For example, certain tables such as T000 (clients) are in a large table permission group (SS: RS: SAP control); therefore, it is better to restrict access via a separate table permission group. You should also always assign custom tables to a table permission group, otherwise they will also be assigned the table permission group &NC&. Therefore, we will explain below how you can create table permission groups and map tables.

If you want to cancel, share, or reset other users' jobs to scheduled status, you must have permission for the S_BTCH_ADM object with a value of Y. Alternatively, you can also grant the JOBACTION = MODI and JOBGROUP = permission for the S_BTCH_JOB object. The MODI promotion was introduced with SAP NetWeaver AS ABAP 7.00 or can be recorded via SAP Note 1623250. The following illustration shows an example of how the JOBACTION = MODI privilege is expressed for the jobs of the users listed under JOBGROUP.
User and authorization management
Your compliance requirements specify that background jobs that are used should be maintained with permission proposals? We'll show you how to do that. Particularly in the banking environment, there are very strict guidelines for the permissions of background jobs used for monthly and quarterly financial statements, etc. Only selected users or dedicated system users may have these permissions. In order to clearly distinguish these permissions from the end-user permissions, it is useful to explicitly maintain the permissions for specific background jobs with suggestion values, so that these values can be used repeatedly to maintain permissions and are therefore transparent. You may have noticed that in the transaction SU24 you have no way to maintain background job credentials. So what's the best way to do that?

Another option is to not assign the SAP_NEW permission to a user. For example, during the tests to be performed, both the development system and the quality assurance system will experience permission errors. These should then be evaluated accordingly and included in the appropriate eligibility roles for the correct handling of the transactions.

"Shortcut for SAP systems" is a tool that enables the assignment of authorizations even if the IdM system fails.

At you will also find a lot of useful information on the subject of SAP authorizations.

Learn how to safely lock the system logon.

This option is disabled by default.
SAP Corner
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