SAP Authorizations Features of the SAP authorization concept

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Features of the SAP authorization concept
Do not assign SAP_NEW
Since developer authorizations correspond to full authorization, they should only be assigned restrictively. This applies above all to the authorization for "debugging with replace" (see "Law-critical authorizations"). The risk of incorrectly assigned developer authorizations has also increased due to the elimination of additional protection via developer and object keys in S/4 HANA systems (see, among other things, SAP Note 2309060). Developer authorizations for original SAP objects should therefore only be granted here upon request in order to avoid unauthorized modifications. If developer keys are still relevant in the existing SAP release, the existing developer keys in table DEVACCESS should first be checked and compared with the users intended for development.

Another special feature of the role menu is the maintenance of object-based navigation. If a call to a transaction has been executed through a button in a Web Dynpro application, you must make the Object-based Navigation settings for the transaction to call. To do this, select the appropriate item in the (F4) Help. You may need to ask the developer of the application for navigation information.
User Information System SUIM
Identify the personnel master record associated with the user ID that you are creating in the SU01 transaction. To do this, search within the personnel data for a personnel number that entered this user ID in the System User Name SAP System (0001) subtype of the Communication (0105) info type. Subsequently, fill in the fields of transaction SU01 with the data from the personnel master record.

Do you have considerable care effort due to additional roles that you cannot deduce? Create a new organisational level to solve your problems. In the SAP system, you can create derived roles for specific fields in authorization objects. This is possible only if these fields are organisation levels. Unfortunately, not all fields that you need as an organisation level are laid down in the standard as such, such as the cost centre. It may also be that you only use one sales organisation in your company and would therefore like to define the sales office. So there are several reasons why you want to define a field as an organisational level. We will explain how this works and what you need to consider.

However, if your Identity Management system is currently not available or the approval path is interrupted, you can still assign urgently needed authorizations with "Shortcut for SAP systems".

The website offers a lot of useful information about SAP authorizations.

Eligibility objects that were visible in the permission trace are quickly inserted in rolls.

Both services are delivered as partially automated remote services; You can also use the SOS as a fully automated self-service.
SAP Corner
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