SAP Authorizations Implementing CRM Role Concept for External Services

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Implementing CRM Role Concept for External Services
Managed Services
Over the button field maintenance also own-developed authorization fields can be created to either a certain data element is assigned or also search assistance or check tables are deposited. On the topic has been described in more detail including a video recording in the article "Creating Authorization Objects with SAP Transaction SU21".

Behind this RFC connection is a Trusted-RFC connection in the ERP system of the system landscape with the naming convention *_RFC. We recommend that you keep the name of the RFC connection for each ERP system in the system landscape and only change the connection data in the RFC connections. You do not need to customise your PFCG roles for the development, test, and production environments. Note that when mixing the single reel with the reel collectors, you will need to maintain the RFC connection in the roll menu of the pulley!
Starting reports
Anyone who owns valuable personal property assumes responsibility for it - just like a landlord, for example. He decides whether changes need to be made to the building, whether privacy hedges need to be planted in the garden or whether superfluous old appliances need to be disposed of and, if necessary, has a new lock installed immediately if the front door key is lost. He may forbid visitors who are not relatives to enter the bedroom or the daughter to have a public party in the house.

Identify the user master record in the Active Directory associated with the user ID that you are creating in the SU01 transaction. To do this, search within the Active Directory for a user master set for which the user ID you are looking for is entered as the SAP user name. Next, fill in the transaction SU01 fields with the data from the Active Directory User Set.

If you get into the situation that authorizations are required that were not considered in the role concept, "Shortcut for SAP systems" allows you to assign the complete authorization for the respective authorization object.

The website offers a lot of useful information about SAP authorizations.

You can also redefine whitelists for these permission checks, which apply to either individual or all of the customer's permission checks.

The downloading of the table must be monthly.
SAP Corner
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