SAP Authorizations Implementing Permissions Concept Requirements

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Implementing Permissions Concept Requirements
System Security
Do you have questions about the SAP authorization concept? Do you want to revise an existing authorization concept or need help assigning SAP authorizations? Our SAP consultants will be happy to support you in all questions regarding the structure and design of SAP authorization concepts. Based on our many years of experience, we have developed best-practice procedures so that we can support you quickly and cost-effectively both with initial implementations and with challenges during ongoing operations. Arrange a no-obligation consultation and take the next step in your digital transformation.

Which authorization objects are checked (SU22)? When calling a transaction, such as the ME23N, various authorization objects are checked. You can get an overview as follows: Call transaction SU22 (SAP tables) or SU24 (customer tables), enter e.g. "ME23N" in "Transaction code" and execute the transaction. As a result you will see all authorization objects that are checked when calling transaction ME23N.
Even if key users (department users/application support) do not have to develop their own authorization objects and cooperation with SAP Basis is always advantageous, there are often technical questions such as "Which users have authorization to evaluate a specific cost center or internal order?
Note that the SAP_NEW_ individual profiles should be retained themselves, so that at any given time, traceability is ensured as to which release and which permission was added. For more information, see SAP Notes 20534, 28175, and 28186. SAP Note 1711620 provides the functionality of an SAP_NEW role that replaces the SAP_NEW profile. If you have added this note, the profile will no longer be used. Instead, you can generate your PFCG role SAP_NEW by using the REGENERATE_SAP_NEW report. When you call the report, in the source and target release selections, type in the appropriate fields, and the role is created for that release difference.

Add SAP Note 1695113 to your system. With this note, the RSUSR200 and RSUSR002 reports are extended by the selection of different user locks or validity. In the selection, you can now distinguish whether you want to include or exclude users with administrator or password locks in the selection. In addition, you can select in the report RSUSR200 whether the users should be valid on the day of selection or not. To do this, select whether you want to select the user locks as set (01 set) or not set (02 not set) in the selection screen of the RSUSR200 report in the Locking after Lock section of the User Locks (Administrator) field. This includes local and global administrator locks. In the same section, you can also select the password locks (false logins) as set (01 set) or not set (02 not set). This will filter for users that are locked because of incorrect password messages and for which a password login is no longer possible. You can select these selection criteria together or separately. Alternatively, you can also use the Use only users without locks option and additionally, in the Selecting after the user is valid between user today and user today, select not valid.

For the assignment of existing roles, regular authorization workflows require a certain minimum of turnaround time, and not every approver is available at every go-live. With "Shortcut for SAP systems" you have options to assign urgently needed authorizations anyway and to additionally secure your go-live.

At you will also find a lot of useful information on the subject of SAP authorizations.

This can, in the worst case, constitute a DSGVO violation and lead to a fine for the company.

Enter a description of it and - this is the most important step - specify a table join as the data source.
SAP Corner
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