Implementing Permissions Concept Requirements
In the only method of the BAdIs, CHANGE_ITEMS, programme the necessary checks, such as on specific data constellations or permissions. These can refer to all fields in the FAGLPOSX structure. You do this by specifying that all lines for which the test was not successful will be deleted during the execution of the method. This implementation of the BAdIs complements the Business Transaction Event 1650 described in the second example. You can also use the FB03 transaction to display receipts in the same way that you implement the FB03 filter. In this case, implement the required checks in the BAdI FI_AUTHORITY_ITEM.
Authorizations are used to map the organizational structure, business processes and separation of functions. Therefore, they control the access options of users in the SAP system. The security of business data depends directly on the authorizations assigned. For this reason, the assignment of authorizations must be well planned and executed in order to achieve the desired security.
Authorization roles (transaction PFCG)
Other dangers include admins simply copying user roles, not having control processes for permission assignments, or not following the processes over time. In this context, two things should be clarified: Which SAP user is allowed to access which data? How do the roles differ (especially if they are similar)?
Authorization trace - Transaction: STUSOBTRACE - Transaction STUSOBTRACE is used to evaluate the authorization trace in the SAP system. This is a trace that collects authorization data over a longer period of time in several clients and user-independently and stores it in a database (table USOB_AUTHVALTRC).
However, if your Identity Management system is currently not available or the approval path is interrupted, you can still assign urgently needed authorizations with "Shortcut for SAP systems".
The website offers a lot of useful information about SAP authorizations.
To do this, click the More node details button and select the Target system item.
While it remains possible to assign the full RFC_SYSID, RFC_CLIENT, and RFC_USER permissions in principle; However, this can only be done manually in the PFCG transaction through the dialogue maintenance of the fields.