SAP Authorizations Module

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Redesign of SAP® Authorizations
The SU25 transaction lists additional customisation options in addition to upgrade activities. Under the item Adjustment of the permission checks (optional) are the transactions SU24 for the maintenance of the value of the proposal, the transaction AUTH_SWITCH_OBJECTS for the global elimination of the authorization objects as well as the transaction SE97 for the maintenance of transaction startup permissions checks (see Tip 76, "Maintain transaction start permissions when calling CALL TRANSACTION"). In the Manual Adjustment section of selected roles, you can create roles from manually created profiles, generate SAP_NEW (see Tip 64, "Use SAP_NEW correctly"), or generate SAP_APP as roles. In the General maintenance for suggestion values section, the reports SU2X_CHECK_WDY_HEADER for the registration of header data for external services (see tip 38, "Use the SU22 and SU24 transactions correctly") and SU2X_CHECK_CONSISTENCY for the concession test (available via the in SAP Note 16466666446445) 692 named Support Package) of suggestion values for the selected authorization objects.

You can use the Security Audit Log to control security-related events. Learn how to configure it to monitor the operations that are relevant to you. You want to use the Security Audit Log to monitor certain security-related operations or particularly well-authorised users in the SAP system. For example, you can log failed RFC calls system-wide, delete users, or log all activities of the default user, DDIC. For these loggers you need different recording filters and, if necessary, the possibility to select generic clients or users. Therefore, we will show you the settings you can make when configuring the Security Audit Log.
Unclear objectives and lack of definition of own security standards
The SAP_NEW profile is basically designed to bridge the release differences in eligibility checks after an upgrade and ensure that the established business processes remain executable after an upgrade. The SAP_NEW permission should only be assigned temporarily and only in emergencies in a productive SAP system after an upgrade.

As part of identifying authorization problems, it should be documented what the risks are if the current situation is maintained. Often, those responsible in the company do not want to make a correction because it causes costs and work. If the current concept works and security gaps are abstract, many people in charge are reluctant to change anything. For these reasons, the first step should be to document what problems and dangers lurk if the current concept is not corrected: First, the risk of fraud, theft, and data privacy and security breaches increases. Documentation can help identify where dangers lie. There is a fundamental problem of financial damage to the company if action is not taken. Another danger is that users will experiment with their authorizations and cause damage that can be avoided by having a clean authorization structure. Also a problem is the increased administrative overhead of granting and managing permissions. The effort increases if the current role assignments are not transparent and optimally structured.

With "Shortcut for SAP systems" you can automate the assignment of roles after a go-live.

The website offers a lot of useful information about SAP authorizations.

This ensures that system performance remains optimal.

An analysis of whether the current authorization concept is sufficient for the company helps here.
SAP Corner
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