Perform Risk Analysis with the Critical Permissions Report
Emergency user concept
First, create an overview of the customising tables currently available in your system. To do this, open the DD02L table and search for tables that start with Y, Z or your specific customer name space. Tables with delivery class C (such as customising, found in column A) are the relevant tables in this context. The descriptive texts to the tables can be found in the table DD02T.
The first step to eliminating sprawl in permissions is to prevent it. To do this, administrators should obtain an overview and the assigned authorizations should be checked regularly. This helps to identify problems and incorrectly assigned authorizations at an early stage. The workload monitor can help here. This shows which authorizations users are actually using. The use of authorizations can be analyzed selectively and exported to tables. This also helps to improve existing roles and to create new roles for the authorization model in SAP.
SAP license optimization
The IF_IDENTITY interface of the CL_IDENTITY class provides various methods for maintaining the fields of the user master record. As a template for the implementation of the BAdIs, you can use the CL_EXM_IM_IDENTITY_SU01_CREATE implementation example, which automatically populates the SU01 transaction's surname, space number, phone, email address, user group, billing number, and cost centre fields. This example implementation does not provide an external data source; the user name is set as the last name and fixed values are used for the other fields. At this point, you must complete the implementation, depending on your requirements. There are several possible data sources for the user master data that you can access from the BAdI.
The panel menus also simplify the maintenance of permissions to the audit structures. You can select the audit structures or area menus you use in role editing and import them into the roles as menus. If you want to set up a constraint on AIS users to specific audit structures or protect individual audits from access, you can use the S_SAIS authorization object. This object controls access to the audit structures or the audit numbers of individual audits.
The possibility of assigning authorizations during the go-live can be additionally secured by using "Shortcut for SAP systems".
You can also find some useful tips from practice on the subject of SAP authorizations on the page
Afterwards, confirm maintenance and your changes are saved for this authorization object.
If you use the option described by us to reload the change documents into a shadow database, you should also run the report SUIM_CTRL_CHG_IDX after each reload operation, marking the field Indexes loaded change documents.