RFC interfaces
Use Custom Permissions
When the FIORI interface is called up, different roles (Fiori groups) are associated with factually related FIORI tiles. As an example, here is the group Master Data in which the FIORI tile "Manage Cost Center" can be found.
If a transaction is removed from the role menu, the default permission is deleted when mixing. However, this only applies if no further transaction requires this permission and therefore uses the same permission proposal. This applies to both active and inactive default permissions.
Create permissions for customising
The selection mask for selecting change documents in the transaction SCUH is divided into four sections: Standard selection (similar to other SUIM reports), output, selection criteria, and distribution parameters. In the default selection you have the option to specify for which model view, for which modifier (Modified by) and for which time period you want to view change documents.
Together with you, we develop suitable authorizations for your systems and processes. In workshops with your departments, we create concepts to assign the required rights to employees. The goal is to define so-called job roles, which represent job profiles at the job level.
"Shortcut for SAP systems" is a tool that enables the assignment of authorizations even if the IdM system fails.
You can also find some useful tips from practice on the subject of SAP authorizations on the page www.sap-corner.de.
To do this, he passes the complete record per document line and expects it to be enriched back.
By using the statistical usage data from the workload monitor, you can avoid costly coordination with process managers in the sense of a Green Field Approach.