Role Management
Grant spool jobs
You can do without taking obsolete profile data into account by adding the correction from SAP Note 1819126 and then setting the REC_OBSOLETE_AUTHS customising switch to NO in the table PRGN_CUST. This correction is also important because it fixes runtime problems when releasing role transports, resulting from the correction in SAP Note 1614407. As a general rule, you should always run bulk transport sharing in the background.
In the foreground, important SAP reports on the subject of role and authorization administration were presented. Since these and the entire SAP system are known to be based on ABAP coding, the analysis of the source code is just as important, especially when using in-house developments. These in-house developments often present serious security vulnerabilities because they have insufficient authorization checks in the coding. To search for explicit strings and to categorize the in-house developments accordingly, the report RS_ABAP_SOURCE_SCAN can be used. This allows existing programs in the backend to be explicitly checked for specific check patterns by the authorization administrator and any errors to be corrected by the relevant developers. Authorization-relevant check patterns for such a scan are, for example, "AUTHORITY-CHECK" or SQL statements such as SELECT, UPDATE or DELETE. The former checks whether authorization checks are present in the source code at all. The check for Open SQL patterns analyzes the code structure for direct SELECT, MODIFY or INSERT statements that must be avoided or protected on the authorization side. The best practice measure in this case is to use SAP BAPIs. The preventive best practice would be to involve developers and authorization administrators equally during the conceptual design of the custom development.
Evaluate licence data through the Central User Management
The customising objects you have just created are now integrated into your own IMG structure. To do this, open the SIMGH transaction again, call your structure in Change mode, and paste it under the previously created folder by selecting Action > Insert a Level Lower. You should already create a documentation of the same name with the installation of the Customising objects. To do this, select the Create button on the Document tab and write a text to save it and then activate it.
You can use the system trace function (transaction ST01) to record the authorization checks in all modes, if the trace and the transaction to be traced run on the same application server. All object fields and their values are recorded during the authorization object check.
During go-live, the assignment of necessary authorizations is particularly time-critical. The "Shortcut for SAP systems" application provides functions for this purpose, so that the go-live does not get bogged down because of missing authorizations.
The website offers a lot of useful information about SAP authorizations.
See SAP Note 1763089 for information on the system requirements and support packages you need to access the new feature.
In addition, you should remove the shadow database alterations before copying the client and complete the index build after the copy.