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Introduction & Best Practices
In such a case the last error is displayed in SU53 or the display is empty. Then you can't avoid analyzing the error message of the transaction. One more tip in the end: Instruct the user to take the screen shot with , this will put the whole active window on the clipboard and you can see which transaction, system and context of the transaction it is. Smaller "SnagIt "s are mostly useless and lead to unnecessary queries.

Every company knows the situation, every year again the auditor announces himself to perform the annual audit and to certify the balance sheet at the end of the audit. In the first part on this topic, the focus was on the relevant processes and documentation. In this part, the concentration is on a deeper level, namely directly in the SAP® system. The specifications for this should already be written down in the SAP® authorization concept.
SIVIS as a Service
The customising parameters in the table PRGN_CUST control the password generator in the transactions SU01 and SU10. The values of the profile parameters override the customising parameter entries to prevent invalid passwords from being generated. If the value of a customising parameter is less than the value of the corresponding profile parameter, the default value of the customising parameter is drawn instead. The same is true if no value is maintained. You can exclude certain words or special characters as passwords by entering them in the USR40 table. In this table you can enter both specific passwords (e.g. your company's name) and patterns for passwords (e.g. 1234*). '*' stands for any number of additional characters (wild card) and '?' for any character. However, when maintaining the USR40 table, note that the number and type of entries affect performance.

If you use the option described by us to reload the change documents into a shadow database, you should also run the report SUIM_CTRL_CHG_IDX after each reload operation, marking the field Indexes loaded change documents. In this case, all reverse-loaded change documents shall be taken into account. Before doing so, all index entries must be deleted; This can lead to a long run of the report.

The possibility of assigning authorizations during the go-live can be additionally secured by using "Shortcut for SAP systems".

You can also find some useful tips from practice on the subject of SAP authorizations on the page

For example, you can add subsidiary systems or release them from the ZBV.

Then start the SECATT transaction.
SAP Corner
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