Reset Manually Maintained Organisation Levels to Roles
The next step is to evaluate the usage data; here the monthly aggregates are typically sufficient. These include the user ID, function block, and number of calls. For an overview of the usage data already stored in the system, see the SWNC_COLLECTOR_GET_DIRECTORY function block (GET_DIR_FROM_CLUSTER = X input parameter). The actual downloading of the usage data is then performed using the function block SWNC_COLLECTOR_GET_AGGREGATES.
Employees should only be able to access data relevant to their work, country or accounting area in tables? Set up organisational criteria to ensure this. Do you want users to be able to read or maintain specific tables, but only have access to the table contents that are relevant to them? The S_TABU_DIS and S_TABU_NAM permissions objects allow you to access the tables, but if you want a user to see or maintain only parts of the table, these authorization objects will reach their limits.
Conclusion and outlook
The authorisation trace is a client- and user-independent trace. The results of this trace are written in the USOB_AUTHVALTRC table and can also be viewed in the STUSOBTRACE transaction by clicking the Evaluate button. This trace data can be used by developers to maintain the permission proposal values in the transaction SU22 (see also Tip 40, "Using the permission trace to determine suggested values for custom developments").
The handling of organisational levels in PFCG roles wants to be learned. If these are maintained manually, problems arise when deriving rolls. We will show you how to correct the fields in question. Manually maintained organisational levels (orgons) in PFCG roles cannot be maintained via the Origen button. These organisational levels prevent the inheritance concept from being implemented correctly. You can see that organisational levels have been maintained manually when you enter values via the Ormits button, but the changes are not applied to the authorization object.
For the assignment of existing roles, regular authorization workflows require a certain minimum of turnaround time, and not every approver is available at every go-live. With "Shortcut for SAP systems" you have options to assign urgently needed authorizations anyway and to additionally secure your go-live.
If you want to know more about SAP authorizations, visit the website
This means that authorizations are no longer assigned generally, but only for the objects in the authorization profile.
You should either set up HTTPS on individual components of the infrastructure (such as proxies), or the ABAP systems should support HTTPS or TSL directly.