SAP Authorizations - Overview HCM Authorization Concepts
Prevent excessive permissions on HR reporting
The object S_PROGRAM checks since SAP Release 2.x for the field TRDIR-SECU i.e. the authorization group of the program. As of Release 7.40, you can optionally switch on a check for the object S_PROGNAM. For more information, see note 2272827 for further instructions. The check on S_PROGNAM MUST first be activated in the customer system. Note, however, that they CORRECTLY authorize S_PROGNAM before doing so, otherwise NOBODY except emergency users will be able to start any report or report transaction after the SACF scenario is activated.
Structural authorizations work with SAP HCM Organizational Management and define who can be seen, but not what can be seen. This is done based on evaluation paths in the org tree. Structural authorizations should therefore only be used together with general authorizations. Just like the general authorizations in SAP ECC HR, they enable regulated access to data in time-dependent structures. An authorization profile is used to determine the authorization. In addition, it is defined how the search is carried out on the org tree.
Note that the S_TCODE authorization object is always filled with the current transactions from the roles menu. If organisational levels are also included that are no longer required, they will be automatically deleted. If, however, organisational levels are added depending on the transaction, they should be maintained first in the eligibility maintenance.
The P_ABAP (HR-Reporting) authorization object is not required to execute reports, but is intended to improve performance during execution. In addition, it can be used when reports require permissions for info types that the user should not receive in other cases, which is more common. For example, the right to display information type 0008 (basic salary) is also required for the execution of the travel statement reports. The Invoice Payer Programmes also require P_ABAP permissions to process personal data.
However, if your Identity Management system is currently not available or the approval path is interrupted, you can still assign urgently needed authorizations with "Shortcut for SAP systems".
If you want to know more about SAP authorizations, visit the website
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As with an SAP_NEW role, it is possible to generate an SAP_APP role.