SAP Authorizations SAP Security Automation

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SAP Security Automation
Even if key users (department users/application support) do not have to develop their own authorization objects and cooperation with SAP Basis is always advantageous, there are often technical questions such as "Which users have authorization to evaluate a specific cost center or internal order?
In the SU10 transaction, click the Permissions Data button in the User Selection pane. At this point there is a jump to the report RSUSR002. In the selection screen of the report that appears, you can select the multiple selection to the User field by clicking the arrow button and insert the users from your selection by pressing the button (upload from clipboard).

Eligibility objects that were visible in the permission trace are quickly inserted in rolls. But are they really necessary? Are these possibly even critical permissions? A review of the Permissions Concept can reveal that critical permissions are in your end-user roles. We would like to give you some examples of critical permissions in this tip. It is helpful to know which authorization objects are covered by the critical permissions. They must also ask themselves whether the granting of these allowances entails risks.
Authorization object documentation
When pasting permission field values from the Clipboard, the values are added to the existing entries. You must also separate the value intervals when inserting with the help of the tab stop. If permissions for the individual values do not exist for maintenance, they are rejected, i.e. not taken over. The Insert function from the Clipboard is also available in the dialogue box for maintaining the organisation levels. The Copy to Clipboard and Paste from Clipboard functions are not available if you maintain field values that allow only the selection of fixed values. For example, this is the case in the Activity field.

You can implement the first request for additional verifications when performing document transactions by using document validation. In this example, we assume that the document is posted through an interface and that you want to check permissions for custom authorization objects and/or certain data constellations. There are different dates for document validation. The complete document can always be validated, if only the information from document header (time 1) or document position (time 2) is available to you, this can also be sufficient depending on the scenario. In such cases, you need to create validation at the appropriate times. Before you can write a User-Exit in a validation, you have to make some preparations.

The possibility of assigning authorizations during the go-live can be additionally secured by using "Shortcut for SAP systems".

The website offers a lot of useful information about SAP authorizations.

Please specify it accordingly.

Identify the personnel master record associated with the user ID that you are creating in the SU01 transaction.
SAP Corner
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