Security Automation for SAP Security Checks
RFC interfaces
I show how SAP authorizations can be assessed and monitored by using the Three Lines of Defense model. This method can be applied even if the model is not used for all enterprise risks. You will learn how to integrate the different stakeholders into the lines of defense and harmonize the knowledge for the process. Also, what tools can be used for controls and cleanups in each case. This ensures, for example, that managers are able to assess the risks and derive measures, and that administrators can technically clean up the risks.
However, you can also use the proof of use in the authorization object maintenance to search for specific implementation sites. To do this, open the authorization object in the SU21 transaction. Open the proof of use via the button and a pop-up window appears for querying usage modes (for example, using the affected authorization object in programmes or classes). After making your selection in the Usage Proof, all of the affected implementations will be tabulated. Double-click to access the relevant code locations.
SAP license optimization
The requirements in the third example to filter the Post Journal Display (transaction FAGLL03) can be implemented using the BAdIs FAGL_ITEMS_CH_DATA. Depending on the permissions granted, certain items or documents should be excluded from display. You can see the definition of BAdIs through the SE18 transaction, and in the SE19 transaction you create an implementation of the BAdIs in the Customer Name Room.
If you want to export the movement data of the productive system to a development system, you should first export user master records and the permission proposal values and archive the complete change documents. After importing, you can then delete the imported change documents, in analogy to the client copy, and then reload and index the original change documents of the development system. The activities described here require administrative permissions for the change documents (S_SCD0 and S_ARCHIVE) and, if applicable, for the table logs (S_TABU_DIS or S_TABU_NAM and S_ARCHIVE). These permissions should be considered critical, and you should assign them to a small circle.
Authorizations can also be assigned via "Shortcut for SAP systems".
You can also find some useful tips from practice on the subject of SAP authorizations on the page
You can add values from an import file based on Microsoft Excel to each flow loop.
First and foremost, legal principles must be stated and specific reference must be made to authorizations that are critical to the law and that may not be assigned (or at most may be assigned to emergency users).