SAP Authorizations Security in development systems

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Security in development systems
Copy the user from the Clipboard to the Transaction SU10 selection
If the FIORI interface is then used under SAP S/4HANA, the additional components must also be taken into account here. Authorizations are no longer made available to the user via "transaction entries" in the menu of a role. Instead, catalogs and groups are now used here. These are stored similar to the "transaction entries" in the menu of a role and assigned to the user. However, these catalogs must first be filled with corresponding tiles in the so-called "Launchpad Designer". It is important to ensure that all relevant components (tile component and target assignment component(s)) are always stored in the catalog. The FIORI catalog is used to provide a user with technical access to a tile. A corresponding FIORI group is used to make these tiles visually available to the user for access in the Launchpad.

In addition, you can also define customised permission checks in the SOS and also define combinations of authorization objects and their values. You can create up to 1,000 custom permissions checks in the Check ID namespace 9000 to 9999. You can also redefine whitelists for these permission checks, which apply to either individual or all of the customer's permission checks. The configuration is described in SAP Note 837490.
Limitations of authorization tools
Insert SAP Note 1171185 into your ZBV system. With this notice, the report RSUSR_SYSINFO_LICENSE is delivered, which retrieves and displays the user types from the systems connected to the ZBV. In addition, however, SAP Note 1307693, which contains new functionalities of licence measurement, must be installed on the subsidiary systems connected to the ZBV. In addition, you may need to extend the permissions of the users in the RFC connections to the ZBV's subsidiary systems by the permissions to the S_RFC object with the SUNI and SLIM_REMOTE_USERTYPES function groups. If the SAPHinkling 1307693 is not installed on a subsidiary system, or the RFC user's permissions have not been adjusted accordingly, the RSUSR_SYSINFO_LICENSE report in the application log (transaction SLG1) will issue a warning.

You can influence the default behaviour of various transactions and parameters with the customising switches for the maintenance of Session Manager and Profile Generator as well as the user and permission management. The SSM_CID table gives you an overview of all customising switches supplied by SAP, specifying the relevant tables SSM_CUST, SSM_COL, PRGN_CUST and USR_CUST. The short description of the customising switch refers to the relevant and current SAP references. The actual settings can be found in the SSM_CUST, PRGN_CUST and USR_CUST tables.

Secure your go-live additionally with "Shortcut for SAP systems". You can assign necessary SAP authorizations quickly and easily directly in the system.

The website offers a lot of useful information about SAP authorizations.

The customising in the SPRO transaction allows you to define the organisation fields and their respective assignment in the corporate structure area.

At the latest, if it is no longer possible to clearly define which transactions should be included in which roles and which roles a user requires, a correction is necessary.
SAP Corner
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