Use SAP Code Vulnerability Analyser
Communication User
Protect your system from unauthorised calls to RFC function blocks from the S_RFC authorization object by obtaining the necessary permissions using the statistical usage data. In many organisations, the primary focus in the permission environment is on protecting dialogue access. For each required transaction, you decide in detail which groups of people are allowed access. It is often overlooked that the critical S_RFC privilege object requires an analogue permission assignment. If the RFC (Remote Function Call) external access permissions are unneatly defined and assigned to the users, the S_TCODE authorization object quickly bypasses the primary protection for bootable applications.
Now check the SY-SUBRC system variable. If the value is 0, the Permissions Check succeeded. If the value is 4, the test did not pass. At a value of 8, there is an inconsistency in the definition of the authorization object and the verification in the code - this should not happen! If the value is 12, the permission is not part of your permission buffer.
Hash values of user passwords
SAP authorizations are a security-critical and thus an immensely important topic in companies. They are used not only to control the access options of users in the SAP system, but also the external and internal security of company data depends directly on the authorizations set.
You can view the change documents of the permission proposal maintenance using the report SU2X_SHOW_HISTORY (available with the support package named in the SAPHinweis 1448611). If the note is not implemented, use the USOBT_CD and USOBX_CD tables. We recommend that you run the SU24_AUTO_REPAIR correction report regularly. This report cleans up inconsistencies and adds missing modification flags in the transaction SU24 data that may turn up as errors when the transaction SU25 is executed. Read SAP Note 1539556 for this. Modification flags are added to the records in transaction SU24, if they have been modified by you. You can see these flags in the USOBT_C and USOBX_C tables.
Assigning a role for a limited period of time is done in seconds with "Shortcut for SAP systems" and allows you to quickly continue your go-live.
At you will also find a lot of useful information on the subject of SAP authorizations.
We also recommend that you perform the security patch process as part of a release or support package upgrade to avoid additional testing by security advisories already released at the time of the upgrade.
For table logging, it must be ensured that SAP® Note 112388 (tables requiring logging) is fully implemented and that all tables containing financially relevant data are also included in the logging.