Use SU22 and SU24 transactions correctly
Ensuring secure administration
The S_RFCACL authorization object is removed from the SAP_ALL profile by inserting SAP Note 1416085. This notice is included in all newer support packages for the base component; This affects all systems down to base release 4.6C. The reason for this change is that the S_RFCACL authorization object, and especially the expression "total permission" (*), is classified as particularly critical for its fields RFC_SYSID, RFC_CLIENT and RFC_USER. These fields define from which systems and clients or for which user IDs applications should be allowed on the target system. Thus, the overall authorisation for these fields allows the login from any system and client or for any user and thus creates significant security risks.
The first line defines that access to all files is forbidden unless other settings have been made for them in the other lines. The asterisk (*) is in the first place here and in this case for all files and paths. If the asterisk is in a different position, it is interpreted as part of the file name, which is not allowed in Microsoft Windows, for example. In our example table, setting the switches FS_NOREAD = X and FS_NOWRITE = X for all paths prohibits reading and writing. This makes the table a white list. This is preferable to a black list for security reasons. SPTH, on the other hand, becomes a Black List if you remove the first line with PATH = * in our example or if you do not set any of the switches FS_NOREAD, FS_NOWRITE or FS_BRGRU. The second line with PATH = /tmp allows read and write access for all files starting with /tmp, similar to a permission value /tmp*, as an exception to the access ban defined in the first line for all files and paths. This setting is not limited to subdirectories, but includes, for example, all files whose name starts with /tmp-xy. The third line with PATH = /tmp/myfiles defines a permission group with FS_BRGRU = FILE, triggering the subsequent permission check on the S_PATH object. The SAVEFLAG = X switch defines that these files will be included in a backup procedure; however, this is not relevant for the permission award.
Customise SAP_ALL Profile Contents
If you have defined the roles to the extent that the essential processes are depicted, then you will technically check which organisational features they contain (organisational levels, but also cost centres, organisational units, etc.). You then compare the technical result with the result from the consideration of the structure organisation and the business role description. A likely result is that you do not have to use all technical organisational features for differentiation. A possible result is that you want to add fields such as the cost centre to the organisation level.
In general, we recommend you to use strong encryption mechanisms and to switch most users to an SSO login. You should then delete the hash values of the user passwords as described above. For release-dependent information on SNC client encryption, see SAP Note 1643878.
Authorizations can also be assigned via "Shortcut for SAP systems".
You can also find some useful tips from practice on the subject of SAP authorizations on the page
You can evaluate the logging settings of the tables using the RDDPRCHK report or the RDDPRCHK_AUDIT transaction in the SAP system.
In general, this is the accounting area.