SAP Authorizations User & Authorization Management with SIVIS as a Service

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User & Authorization Management with SIVIS as a Service
Assign SAP_NEW to Test
Certain SAP authorizations, including those for table maintenance (S_TABU_*) require special attention for data protection reasons. These are known as critical authorizations. In the course of authorization planning, a company should determine which authorizations are to be considered critical, which roles may receive which critical authorizations or values for critical authorization fields, and so on. The German Federal Office for Information Security has compiled detailed information on defining critical authorizations.

A careless handling of the permissions with sensitive employee data can go quite nicely in the pants. Prevent uncontrolled and extensive reporting access to your HCM data by properly using the P_ABAP authorization object. In many companies, the correct use of P_ABAP is not known. As a result, there are often false expressions that, in the worst case, allow uncontrolled reporting access to all data in the logical database PNPCE (or PNP). This way, you can again erase your access restrictions, which were previously painstakingly defined in a permission concept. Therefore, it is necessary to test the use of P_ABAP in individual cases and to use the existing limitations. In the following we describe the logic behind this authorization object and what it is important to avoid.
Unclear objectives and lack of definition of own security standards
In particular, you can derive valuable information about customer transactions, since experience has shown that not all transactions are used. In this context, it is important to mention that you should only use the usage data logged and extracted from the SAP system for the optimisation of SAP role concepts. This information may only be used with the involvement of a co-determination body of your organisation, since this information can of course also be derived from individual users for performance control purposes. However, experience has shown that the use of these data with an early involvement of the institutions of codetermination and the definition of earmarks is uncritical.

When accessing tables or views, the S_TABU_DIS authorization object is used to grant permission for a specific table permission group in the permission check. Note in this context also Tip 73 "Use authorization objects for table editing" and the S_TABU_NAM authorization object presented there. You can create table permission groups by using the transaction SE54 or by using the V_TBRG_54 care dialogue. They fall under the customising and can only contain four characters until SAP NetWeaver 7.31 SP 2. To create a table permission group, call the SE54 transaction and select Permissions Groups in the Edit Table/View pane. The Create/Modify button provides an overview of the existing table permission groups. For example, this way you can also change the name of a table permission group. In the Table Rights Group overview, click the New Entries button to create a new table permissions group. Give a name for your permission group and a matching name. After you have saved the new entries, your custom table permission group is created.

"Shortcut for SAP systems" is a tool that enables the assignment of authorizations even if the IdM system fails.

If you want to know more about SAP authorizations, visit the website

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Using these authorizations, any source code can be executed independently of the actual developer authorizations and thus any action can be performed in the system.
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