Which challenges cannot be solved with authorization tools alone?
Optimization of SAP licenses by analyzing the activities of your SAP users
In particular, you can derive valuable information about customer transactions, since experience has shown that not all transactions are used. In this context, it is important to mention that you should only use the usage data logged and extracted from the SAP system for the optimisation of SAP role concepts. This information may only be used with the involvement of a co-determination body of your organisation, since this information can of course also be derived from individual users for performance control purposes. However, experience has shown that the use of these data with an early involvement of the institutions of codetermination and the definition of earmarks is uncritical.
Launch the QuickViewer for SAP Query with the SQVI transaction. Create a new query named ZMYSUIM on the entry screen. Enter a description of it and - this is the most important step - specify a table join as the data source. You can now specify your data sources on the following screen. You can select the tables in the menu via Edit > Insert Table (or by pressing the button ). In our case, this would be the AGR_ 1251 table for the Role Permissions Values and the AGR_USERS table for the user assignments in rolls. The system automatically proposes a join of the tables via shared data columns. In our example, this is the name of the role.
Generic access to tables
When you start a report with the ABAP statement SUBMIT REPORT, the system checks the authorization object S_PROGRAM, provided that the program has been assigned to a program authorization group in transaction SE38. If this assignment is not sufficient for your system environment, you can define your own group assignment with the report RSCSAUTH. You must check this assignment after installing Support Packages or upgrades and reassign the reports if necessary.
With the introduction of security policy, it is now possible to define your own security policy for System or Service users. This way you can ensure that backward-compatible passwords are still used for these users. This eliminates the reason that password rules were not valid for System/Service type users; Therefore, the rules for the content of passwords now apply to users of these types. Password change rules are still not valid for System or Service type users. If you are using security policy in your system, you can use the RSUSR_SECPOL_USAGE report to get an overview of how security policy is assigned to users. This report can be found in the User Information System (transaction SUIM). In addition, the user information system reports have added selected security policies to the user selection. This change was provided through a support package; For details, see SAP Note 1611173.
With "Shortcut for SAP systems" you can automate the assignment of roles after a go-live.
At www.sap-corner.de you will also find a lot of useful information on the subject of SAP authorizations.
How to proceed? First of all we come to case 1 This case, that someone has no authorization for something, supports the system excellently! The code word is SU53! If a transaction encounters an authorization error, then this error is written to a memory area that can be displayed.
In addition, it allows for a targeted activation or deactivation of the implementations.