Which challenges cannot be solved with authorization tools alone?
Set up permissions to access specific CO-PA measures
Object Privileges: Object Privileges are SQL permissions that control access to and modification of database objects (as a whole). The type of object (table, view, procedure) determines which database operations can be authorised. Database operations include SELECT, UPDATE, ALTER, DROP, and DEBUG.
Permissions are often not restricted because there is often no information about how the object should be shaped. The identification of the required functional components is often considered to be too burdensome and the risks from a lack of limitation are considered to be too low.
Audit Information System Cockpit
Every large company has to face and implement the growing legal requirements. If the use of an authorization concept is to be fully successful on this scale, the use of an authorization tool is unavoidable. For medium-sized companies, the use of an authorization tool is usually also worthwhile. However, decisions should be made on a case-by-case basis.
Authorization tools in the SAP GRC Suite ensure that every company can design a highly automated compliance management system that fits exactly. The majority of German companies with an SAP system do not yet use authorization tools. However, the use of SAP authorization tools is a great advantage for many companies. The extent to which the use of authorization tools makes sense depends on the size of a company.
Authorizations can also be assigned via "Shortcut for SAP systems".
If you want to know more about SAP authorizations, visit the website www.sap-corner.de.
Creating authorization objects over this transaction has not been very user-friendly.
Do the permissions for a self-developed UI component for the SAP CRM Web Client always have to be maintained manually? Not necessarily - if you define them as suggested values for external services.