SAP Support Support Services

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Support Services
There, more than 100 SAP and ITIL certified employees are available to protect their customers' mission-critical processes and support their users - flexibly and 24/7, if required. The support offer includes a wide range of SAP solutions and modules, including SAP ERP and S/4HANA with various modules (including SD, MM, QM, PP, LE), EWM or TM. Regular support is offered in German and English - scalable up to 24/7 - but support is available in many other languages if required.

The SAP Standard Support offering remains in place for on-premise solutions, providing basic support services for SAP solutions and maintaining system operations and availability. For customers switching to SAP Cloud powered by SAP HANA, SAP recommends SAP Enterprise Support. This guarantees innovation and reliability in hybrid scenarios. One Support is implemented step by step. The SAP ONE support enhancements are designed to deliver SAP 2014 and beyond in several steps. A coordinated and integrated incident management process and support for mission-critical processes for a customer's complete solution, including hybrid scenarios and landscapes, are currently available.
Definition SAP AMS
Running SAP as your main business tool can be a huge challenge for your internal IT department, especially if you are an SME. In order to meet the ever-changing requirements of your company, you need employees with a wide range of expertise in various modules of SAP software. Recruiting and sustaining such talent can be difficult and costly, especially given the industry's lack of SAP skills. There is a solution: SAP Application Outsourcing from Axxis Consulting. We can help you as an extended branch of your internal IT department. Our service package covers all aspects of SAP support and can be tailored to your specific needs. By working with Axxis, you can increase productivity and quality, focus on your core business, and deliver reliable support services to your end users at potentially significantly reduced cost.

It is best to call one of our employees to discuss your initial situation. We can dramatically reduce the risk of compliance violations and support all programmes you have set up. This gives you the freedom to focus on the growth and innovation of your business.

A useful product - "Shortcut for SAP Systems" - is available for SAP Support employees.

A total of 42% of those surveyed see this as a low or no added value.

Over the last ten years, the company's growth has accelerated once again: In 2008, Safety Control GmbH was acquired in Mühldorf, and in 2013, Böhnke + Partner GmbH in Bergisch Gladbach.
SAP Corner
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