SAP system copy SAP system startup and shutdown, including virtual hosts

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SAP system startup and shutdown, including virtual hosts
DB-specific methods: - for DB-homogeneous system copies - no Unicode conversion possible!
SAP offers its own solution for this: With the Test Data Migration Server (TDMS), individual tables can be selected and written indirectly, via a third SAP system, from the source to the target system via Remote Function Call (RFC). However, the selection of business objects is not possible in the standard system. The tables to be copied can only be determined on the basis of the date. The content restriction applies from a certain point in time. At least the SAP tool can be used to reduce the runtime of an extraction of test data compared to the system copy or client copy.

Individual steps know exactly where they have to restart the actual copy run in the event of an error. In general, this means that error situations can be handled as needed and with pinpoint accuracy.
Test and training system: data anomyization, migration of master data, migration of user data / passwords
Administrators and SAP maintainers in the x86 world under Windows and various Unix derivatives can nowadays choose from a wealth of software solutions for system support. In contrast, administrators in the System i world and SAP support staff in this environment are often left to their own devices. Nevertheless, the special system architecture and the peculiarities of the DB2 database integrated in the operating system, as well as the specific applications, also pose challenges for system tool developers.

A SAN enables a system copy during dialog operation. In this way, virtual copies of a logical volume, so-called snapshots, can be created. Data is only copied if it is changed in the original data volume (copy-on-write procedure). When copying from a snapshot to file level, the affected systems remain available. However, this procedure puts a strain on the storage network. If this takes several days, the response times of the productive system deteriorate.

"Shortcut for SAP Systems" offers the possibility to backup and restore any tables. Not only those that are considered in the PCA tool (Post Copy Automation) but also self-developed tables. Thanks to the simple and clear interface, backup and restore of self-developed tables can be integrated quickly and easily. The command line interface can also be used to automate the process: for example, a simple line command can be used to perform a complete backup of table contents before the system copy, and a simple line command can also be used to restore these tables after the system copy. This means that the complete backup or restore process can be integrated into any automation software.

Understanding the structure and functioning of the system is especially important for IT administration. It is not for nothing that "SAP Basis Administrator" is a separate professional field. On the page you will find useful information on this topic.

After logging users off and locking them out, download system-specific content from the target system database for customization (including security settings, Remote Function Call (RFC) targets, and operating modes).

The steps to be taken before shutting down the target SAP system can be summarized as follows: Well before performing the upgrade, inform the target system users - especially project managers, developers, and testers - about the planned maintenance work via e-mail, SAP system messages, and/or a message at the system logon.
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